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          A few days after Glorious Days finished filming, the drama producers let Swordfish entertainment know how thrilled they were with Hongbin's performance. They promised to keep him in mind for future projects. That night the VIXX group were allowed to go out to celebrate. As the center of all the attention, Hongbin got to pick the place.

          He picked a little club that was located just a short walk from the dorm. Just a neighborhood dive, clean but unimpressive. It was a surprising choice. They expected him to pick some place more upscale with bright lights and loud music. Then again, there was no telling with Hongbin.

          They entered the club in a joyous mood. The crowd was light for a Friday night. Picking a table near the back, the boys ordered food and drinks. Hyuk was still legally a minor but the others made sure his soda was liberally spiked. A few fans recognized them, adding energy to the gathering.

          Hongbin was hyper alert to everything around him. He drank moderately, passing most of his alcohol to Hyuk. He kept an eye on the door, expecting someone. No one was surprised to see Seo Yeon Jeong entered the club. He was with the same group from the drama shoot.

          "So, this is where all the pretty boys gather" Seo Yeon Jeon sneered as he walked past their table. "Do you think we qualify to drink here?"

           "It's cool Seo Yeon Jeon." Hongbin said staring intensely at his drink. "They server ugly people here too." Seo Yeon Jeon's friends laughed at that, much too his embarrassment.

          Seo Yeon Jeon's punch to Hongbin's face was a complete surprise. The other five jumped up from their seats to defend Hongbin. Nimbly Hyuk jumped in between Seo Yeon Jeon and the rest.

          "Oh Ho Dude, calm down." Hyuk slurred putting his hands on Seo Yeon Jeon's shoulders. Hyuk pushed him back just a little. "Just joking. No need for that."

          Hyuk swayed drunkenly using Seo Yeon Jeon to steady himself. Suddenly Hyuk started to wretch like he was about to vomit. Seo Yeon Jeon jerked away and, tripping over his friend's foot, landed on his butt on the floor. He scrambled to his feet as everyone laughed at him. Dragging his friends with him, Seo Yeon Jeon took off to a table as far from the VIXX group as they could get.

         "I think that's going to leave a mark." Hongbin said coldly. He held a cold bottle of beer to the red mark Seo Yeon Jeon's punch left on the side of his chin. As the others retook their seats, they could hear Seo Yeon Jeon and his cohorts throwing mean spirited comments in their direction. Leo and Hyuk were included in their rants. Leo was totally indifferent, concentrating on his beer. Hyuk kept suffering from fits of giggles. He was more intoxicated than an underage customer should be. Ravi started to rise, obviously bent on shutting up Seo Yeon Jeon and his friends. Hongbin restrained Ravi with a stony look.

          Hongbin was more effected by their words than he showed. His mask of indifference began to slip. Hongbin's anger was reaching its peak. Several times he started to get up to respond to the taunts but was himself restrained by N's gentle hand on his arm. Hongbin's intense glower met N's calm continence. N was the only person who didn't quail under the intensity of Hongbin's glare.

          "Not here." Even in N's quiet voice it was a command.

          Hongbin acknowledged the logic behind N's command and settled back. He waited, knowing the right time would come.

           Seo Yeon Jeon left the club fairly early. His staggering walk attested to the amount of alcohol he had consumed in a very short time. He left alone. Half an hour later the VIXX group also left.

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