Leo Part 1 FANTASY

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                This section is dedicated to my niece Jackie.

Now we come to my 1st and always #1 Kpop bias [ for those of you who are not into kpop lingo a bias is a performer you like over anyone else in their group, often over anyone in any group] The inspiration for this story stems from him  and my niece.

I had just bought VIXX's CD "Voodoo". I showed it to my niece. When she saw Leo's picture the 1st thing out of her mouth was, "OMG he looks like a serial killer!" I told her he did play 1 in 1 of his solo MVs. That was about 2 years ago but that idea stuck with me and eventually gave birth to this story.

To the other writers who are reading this, pay attention to your everyday surroundings. You never know when some random event or phrase will turn into the inspiration for your next big hit.


          On the flight back to Korea, Ken was in high spirits; literally dancing in the isles to the delight of the flight attendants. He was back to his usual fun-loving, prankster self. Today he was especially energized. No one in the cabin was safe from his tricks and jokes, and as usual the chief target of his teasing was Leo. To Ken, Leo's quiet reserve just begged to be poked at. Plus, a little pay back was in order for Leo's ridiculous suggestion of the night before. To Ken's annoyance, Leo was totally oblivious to what was going on around him.

          Leo sat curled up in his seat, long legs tucked up under him. He had his forehead pressed against the window, engrossed in watching the clouds. His mind weaved the lights and shadows playing on the fluffy whiteness into fanciful shapes. He let his imagination drift among the clouds.

          Among the puppies and kittens and other fanciful shapes the clouds made was that face. That same face. Long hair floated enticingly. Wispy white formed eyes, smiling lips. Then, just as fast as it formed it was gone. Sliding back into his imagination.

          Leo tried to sleep. He felt drained. It was more than the demands of the concert and a lack of sleep the night before. He was like that every time he had to interact with too many strangers at once. As a classic introvert, he needed to retreat into a quiet place inside himself to recharge.

          Leo was passionate about preforming, putting every ounce of talent he had into each note he sang. On stage he was a king among kings. He loved the high of being on stage with all eyes glued to his every move. It was after the stage lights went out, when too many strangers surrounded him asking too many questions, expecting so much of his attention, he retreated back into the world of his imagination. He needed to be left alone, left to his dreams that refueled his energies.

          Aware that Leo's introverted nature required this solitude, N sat in the seat next to him. He fended off most of Ken's attempts at harassment. Leo was grateful for his understanding and protection. Following N's strong leadership, Leo was slowly coming out of his self-imposed isolation in social settings. During events and interviews he spent more time looking directly at the people around him and less time shyly ducking down and covering his face.

          While Ken's teasing was annoying, Leo could deal with it. It was easy to ignore Ken's antics. He knew there was nothing malicious in Ken's teasing, unlike what he had endured growing up. He'd just retreat deeper into one of the many fantasy worlds he had built inside his head. Those were his protection zones.

         Leo was born an introvert, with the quiet, reserved disposition typical to every one born like him. His mother often remarked to friends what a quiet baby he was, never fussing or crying like other babies. At that time she thought she had been bless with such a trouble free infant. As he got older his mother started to be concerned that he spent too much time alone. She would take him to parks and playgrounds to be around other children his age only to find him later sitting by himself staring at the sky. It embarrassed her when the other mothers suggested there might be something wrong with him 'mentally'. She would take him home and scold him for not running around and playing like the other children.

          His parents didn't understand. They were simple people. Though educated, terms like 'introvert' or 'extrovert' didn't mean anything to them. When Leo tried to tell them he found it exhausting being around the other kids, that he felt like they were sucking the energy out of him with their loud voices demanding his attention, they told him he was just being lazy. He needed to put himself out there more.

         They didn't realize he was more at ease in his own imagination. He would wander the fields and woods around his hometown alone. Bad weather didn't discourage him. He'd take shelter under his favorite old oak watching the intricate patterns the raindrops made trailing through the leaves over his head. On sunny days he would lay out on a grassy hill staring up at the clouds. His mind would spin fantasy tales from the shapes the clouds took. Knights in shining armor saving damsels in distress from fiery dragons shared the ski with fanciful animals and flowers. His imagination refueled him. It gave him the energy he needed to function in the real world.

         He always carried music with him. First it was a raggedy cassette player he kept loaded with his favorite music recorded off the radio. Later it was a little MP3 his parents got him for his birthday. Everywhere he went he kept his ears filled with music. It helped him drown out the loud reality he found so draining. On his sojourns through the woods, he would sing to the wind, his voice blending with the music that filled his head. The wind carried his voice to every part of the town. Like hearing the voice of an angel, people would often just stop what they were doing and listen.

          Though his parents were constantly complimented on his beautiful voice, they found it hard to reconcile themselves to his self-isolation. They knew there wasn't anything wrong with him mentally. He got excellent grades in school. All of is teachers complimented him on his excellent behavior in class. Their only concern was the amount of time he spent alone, shying away from personal contact.

           "You are too quiet." His parents and teachers alike would tell him. "You need to get out there and interact with people. Make some friends." They forced him to join a number for group activities, sports, dance classes, choir and other school clubs.

          Obediently, Leo complied with his parent's wishes, joining school activities he didn't care about and wasn't good at. He thought that would be easier than enduring his parents constant scolding. The only one he excelled in was choir. Everyone admired his singing voice but as soon as he stopped singing, no one wanted anything to do with him. He was already considered the class 'weirdo'. No one wanted to be friends with 'the freak' no matter how beautiful his voice was. He would retreat to the solitude of his room as soon these activities were over

          Inside his room he was free to indulge in the fantasies that filled his life. Anything was possible in the worlds that he imagined. All the friendships he craved but couldn't reach in the real world populated the world of his mind. At times he found himself questioning which world was more real; the world that he imagined where he found so much happiness or the outside world he found so intimidating. He was aware of his innate shyness that manifested itself in a dread of people and social situations. Trying to deal people only made him feel mentally and physically worn out. Forcing himself into these draining situations led to the need for more alone time. It became a vicious cycle in his life.

          With the constant criticism from his family and the ostracism he got from his classmates, he began to question himself.  Why couldn't he be like everyone else?  Was there really something wrong with him?

        Then came the day when one person sincerely reached out to him, made theeffort to enter his world. Came and shattered his dreams.  


We all daydreams but when do dreams become more important than reality?

Where will Leo's loneliness and dreams lead him?

Is an excessive imagination healthy?

Introvert? Extravert? Which category do you feel you belong in?

Are people really born this way? Can you change if you are?

If you enjoy the story please leave me a vote. Comments always welcome.

Usual disclaimer of photos and videos used here. I don't own or claim anything but the written words.

Be safe and stay healthy. Till next time

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