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WARNING for those who might be sensitive to this subject, there is a brief reference to rape. No graphic details just a very brief reference.


If you haven't seen N's spectacular performance in the South Korean drama Children of No One Why not? OK, not everyone is as crazy about kdrama's as I am. But if you are a fan and haven't seen this one but plan to in the future you probably don't want to read this entire section. I'm warning you. The last line is a totally spoiler for this drama.


          A driver was assigned to take N to the studio where is audition would take place. This gave him a chance to relax and go over his lines again. The driver had asked N if he minded if he played the radio. N didn't care. A little music wouldn't be enough to break his concentration. What did break his concentration was a news report of another child found dead in the city. The body of a young boy was found early that morning in a public park. Park workers found the body huddled under a bench covered in newspaper as they made their morning rounds. The cause of death was reported as a combination of malnutrition and exposure.

          N frowned. He had been in all night, first waiting for Leo to return and later studying his script. This wasn't his doing. Could this death have been from actual natural causes? Or could the Angel have recruited another as her instrument of mercy. He had never considered that possibility. It was something he would have to think about but it would have to wait until after the audition.

          N woke from his reveries when his driver informed him they had arrived at the location for his Audition. Getting out of the car, N took a deep breath. Winter was still holding on even on such a sunny day making the air crisp and icy. He squared back his shoulders and headed into the studio. He went over his lines once more as he walked. He really wanted to nail this role. Inside he met up with the executives from his entertainment company as well as the drama PD.

          After the audition N returned to the dorm to await the decision. As soon as he walked through the door, the rest of the guys were all over him with questions.

          "How did it go?"

          "Do you think you got it?"

          "Can you now tell us what the drama's all about?"

          As much as they hassled him, N refused to reveal the nature of the drama or the role he had auditioned for. He was always like that. He was superstitious about it. Unless other members of the group were involved in the same drama he refused to talk. He believed it would jinx any chance he might have. Since no one else was involved, he kept the script and his possible role in it a secret. He was also wary of any negative reactions he might get from the others if they knew the kind of character he wanted to play so badly.

          He retired to his room to get away from the badgering and to think. He had more on his mind than the drama role. The dead child from the news report that morning. It wasn't his doing. He remembered every time, every place, every pitiful face he had given mercy too. He hadn't even gone out that night. If it wasn't natural causes than who? Was the Angel so dissatisfied with his work that she had recruited someone else to be her instrument of mercy? Or had society gotten so bad that the Angel felt that more than one person was needed? Either way, N felt that he had disappointed his Angel. That he needed to do more. That warred with his apprehension of getting caught. He wasn't afraid for himself. He was sure what he was doing was right. He was afraid it would expose his brothers. He needed to protect them too.

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