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          Sung Chi was a transfer student to Leo's school. She was the most beautiful girl Leo had ever seen. Her face was slender with a high bridged nose separating large dark brown almond shaped eyes. Long, silky black hair cascaded down her back from a high ponytail with a fringe of bang covering a high forehead. A hint of lip gloss accentuated a small pouty mouth an inviting pink. With an outgoing personality and lilting laugh, within a few days she became one of the most popular girls in school. All the boys wanted to go out with her, and all the girls wanted to be her best friend.

          Leo lost his heart to her at first glance.  He found her face coloring his daydreams. The sound of her laugh decorating the songs he sang to the wind. They were in the same class at school but being known as the weirdo of the town as well as his own shyness, he didn't have the confidence to even raise his eyes from the ground around her. He would sneak peaks of her in class, memorizing her every facial expression, every move she made. Fantasies of the two of them together tortured his heart with a longing he had never felt before. Still he couldn't muster up the confidence to approach her. To his surprise, she approached him first.

          One day after school, Leo sat under his favorite tree in the forest at the edge of town daydreaming. He ignored the sound of someone approaching until Sung Chi sat down on the grass near him. She sat close enough to make him aware of her but not close enough to make him uncomfortable. She didn't speak, just sat there, Mp3 player in hand and ear buds in her ears listening to music. After about an hour, she got up.

          "See you in school tomorrow." She said before she left. Stunned, Leo could only mumble a goodbye, his head bowed, face hidden in his hands.

          Didn't she know he was the town weirdo, the one everyone else avoided? Why did she come? Questions filled his head, but his heart was pleased.

          For several weeks Sung Chi joined Leo after school at the same secluded part of the forest. It wasn't long before she had coaxed him into talking to her. Once the words started, it was like a flood bursting a dam. Leo shared his private thoughts and feelings with her and her responses touched his heart. She made him realized he didn't have to be alone all the time.

          They met every day in the woods. On the weekends they would hike through the wood stopping at any particularly pretty spot to sit and eat the lunch Sung Chi had packed for them. They kept their relationship a secret at school. The woods became their place and neither wanted anyone else to intrude on their special time together. All of Leo's dreams and fantasies became centered around Sung Chi, what their lives would be like together.

          "Will you sing for me?" Sung Chi asked. They had been meeting for a few weeks and in all that time Leo had been afraid to. Afraid that she would not like his singing and leave. Mustering all his courage, Leo sang her a song he had written, hoping to express in his song what he felt in his heart for Sung Chi. Her smile was his great reward. At sunset they walked hand in hand back toward town. At the edge of the woods, where no one could see, Leo bent down and kissed Sung Chi for the first time. His first kiss was all he had dreamed it would be.

          His heart filled with so much joy he couldn't imagine how he could keep hiding it from everyone else. The smile on his face would tell the whole story. School the next day was going to hard. Turned out to be harder than he thought when, as he was about to enter his classroom, he heard Sung Chi laughing with her friends.

          "See, I told you I could get that freak to kiss me." Leo was stunned to immobility when he hear Sung Chi's words. The laughter of his classmates was devastating.

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