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A/N    Almost finished with the rewrites.  Only 1 left I think.  This story had recently surpassed 100 reads!  Thank you so much for all of you who have struck with me so far.  I sincerely hope you will continue with me until the end.

 In this time of crisis all over the world I hope all my dear readers are staying safe and Healthy


           After stopping at the dorm to pack a few things, a company driver took Hyuk to the train station. The car radio provided quiet background noise that Hyuk ignored until an item on the news caught his attention. The news item was a brief account of the stabbing death of a homeless man found in an alley on the outskirts of Seoul. It was not a big news item. Back alley fights and deaths, unfortunately, were not uncommon.

          No mention was made of another death that occurred that night.

          During an early morning roust of some homeless people sleeping beneath a highway overpass, the lifeless body of a young child was found. She appeared to be only 6 or 7 years old. She was found huddled up against the wall covered in a thin ragged blanket. She was inadequately dressed for the winter and since the police didn't find any sign of violence, it was assumed she had frozen to death. It had been a harsh winter so far and she wasn't the first to be found like this.

          During the two-and-a-half-hour train ride, Hyuk drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep. It had been nearly two years since the incident that had forced Hyuk to leave home. He hoped things would be different. He didn't think they would be.

          Hyuk's uncle met him at the station

          "Still keeping your hands to yourself?" His uncle asked in greeting.

          "Yes sir." Hyuk answered as he climbed into the car. Fresh tears filled his eyes. That was something his father had always said to Hyuk. From his father the question was meaningful, a bond and promise they had shared between each other. From his uncle it was meaningless.

          Staring out the car window, Hyuk could see that physically the town hadn't changed. All the same store fronts lined the main street. It was the people who had changed. Now that he had achieved a small level of fame, Hyuk could feel the difference in how he was treated. Many people pointed and stared, whispering his name. Others, who in the past would have ignored his passing, greeted him with respect. All the notoriety only made him wish his return could have been more anonymous. Not everyone needed to know he was back.

          The tension at home was intense. Mixed with the grief his family was experiencing, Hyuk's appearance made it more so. His family had seen him on TV and was naturally proud of his accomplishment, but his past overshadowed everything. Hyuk tried to be there for his mother but eventually he couldn't take any more of the stares and whispers. He decided to go for a walk.

          The winter sun was already setting as Hyuk reached the edge of town. The streets were now nearly deserted as people returned to their own homes and dinners. As He passed a dark alley, someone grabbed his arm. He was dragged into the alley and slammed up against a wall.

          "Long time no see, huh, big shot." Even though his face was hidden in the shadows, Hyuk recognized the voice immediately. That voice and that face were the source of Hyuk's worse nightmares as far back as he could remember. Kim Young Hoon, the vicious bully who had made his life a living hell from elementary school until Hyuk finally escaped to Seoul. He tried to break free and run but a second pair of hands slammed him back up against the wall. Of course, Ha Jae Don was with him. The two were inseparable; Siamese twins joined at the hip by evil intentions. was always right there to lend an evil hand.

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