Hyuk Part 3 SEEING RED

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         A/N   Last rewrite.  Thank you all for bearing with me as I made these changes.  I hope that you enjoy my story.

Be safe and stay healthy in this time of crisis.


           As his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the alley, Hyuk could make out the nasty scar he had left on Kim Young Hoon's face. It ran from his right temple down across his cheek to the tip of his chin. Like images dancing in and out of a thick fog, Hyuk remembered that day.

          It was like his mind was shrouded in foggy cloud. The pains of his most recent beating were the only feeling that penetrated. He remembered leave for school as always. He wasn't aware that he had picked up a knife from the kitchen as he left.

          He remembered them cornering him outside of the school yard. How, even after taking what little spending money he had, they continued to harass him. He endured their pushing and name calling, all the while thinking that nothing would ever stop this. No matter how many times his father reported them to the police, no matter how many times they were punished, they still came back at him.

          The fog that enveloped his mind grew thicker, turning red like blood. He couldn't take any more. He had sworn to his father, day after day, over and over, but the need for blood overwhelmed him.

         He pulled out the knife he had hidden under his jacket. Wildly he slashed at one of the figures in front of him. He never felt the knife make contact. His most vivid memory was the feel of warm drops of blood spattering his face, the pungent smell of it filling the air and the sound of Kim Young Hoon's painful shrieks. Over and over again he slashed at the figure writhing on the ground in front of him, drawing more and more blood.

          Attracted by the screams and Ha Jae Don's cries for help, teachers and students rushed to the scene. It took three teachers to wrest the knife from Hyuk's hand and subdue him. Kim Young Hoon lay on the ground clutching the long gash on his face, blood gushing through his fingers and pooling on the ground beneath his head, blood spilling from a myriad of other cuts. Restrained by his teachers, Hyuk stood over him without saying a word, his face and hands covered in blood.

         Inside his monster reveled at the sight. At the warm sticky feel of it on his hands. At the salty sweet taste of it in his mouth. At the pungent smell invading his head with every breath. He was blind to everything else.

          Hyuk had been taken to the police station for questioning while Kim Young Hoon was rushed to the hospital. Hyuk's father met him at the station. He cleaned Hyuk up as best he could in the police bathroom before they had to face questioning. This gave Hyuk a chance to come back to his senses. His father didn't say a word the whole time and Hyuk could only hang his head in shame.

          The police were well aware of the history between the three. The number of police reports Hyuk's father had filed against the two and numerous other charges weighed against them in this matter. That coupled with the fact that they were all minors, bolstered the police's decision to declare this a case of self-defense and eventually drop all charges. They advised Hyuk's father that this matter wouldn't end here unless more drastic measures weren't taken. So, before Kim Young Hoon was released from the hospital, Hyuk parents decided to send him to Seoul to live with family friends.

          This was the first time Hyuk had returned home since that incident.

          Like the intervening two years had never happened, he was back to that same past.

          "Didn't think you'd have the guts to come back here after what you did to me," Kim Young Hoon growled, punctuating his words with a hard punch to Hyuk's stomach. Hyuk doubled over in pain. A second punch brought him to his knees.

          "You got away with it back then, but you won't get away this time" Ha Jae Don dragged Hyuk back to his feet. He held him up as Kim Young Hoon continued to pummel him.

          "We saw you on that TV show. Did you really think you could become all rich and famous after ruining my life like this," A solid punch to the face laid Hyuk out on the ground. The beating didn't stop there. Hyuk curled up into a ball trying to protect himself as punches and kicks rained down on him. He endured the pain until his mind finally spiraled down into oblivion.

          It was three days before Hyuk regained consciousness. The sounds and smells of the hospital assaulted his senses before he even opened his eyes. Opening his eyes, he saw his mother on his right. She held his hand, quietly crying. On his left he saw the concerned faces of his brother VIXX members.

          "Welcome back little Maknae." N told him, patting his shoulder. Surrounded by his mother's love and his brother's concern, Hyuk slipped back into a healing sleep.

          It was five more days before Hyuk was released from the hospital. Miraculously, none of his injuries had been life threatening. His face and body were just a mass of deep bruises and a few superficial cuts.

          The members of VIXX learned of the events of that night when the police came to question Hyuk. The police informed them that an arrest warrant had been issued and that they were on the lookout for Kim Young Hoon and Ha Jae Don. So far, they hadn't been found.

          While he was in hospital he was never alone. Like family, his VIXX brothers took care of him when his mother couldn't be there. Each night the VIXX members slept in Hyuk's room to ensure his safety. After he was released, they helped him bid a quick goodbye to his family and escorted him back to Seoul.

A/N     Author Isaac Asimov once said "Civilization is the thin veneer we use to cover the animal inside each of us.  With enough scratches, that veneer crumbles revealing the beast within"   Finding appropriate ways to handle the bullies  in our lives only strengthens our humanity.   This story is only meant to show what happens when we let that veneer slip and let that beast free.  

Let's take this time of tension and fear to all strengthen our humanity.  Be kind to each other and let that kindness continue after this crisis is over.  

As always, please vote if you enjoy this chapter. I appreciate all of you who have voted so far. And talk to me people. Let me know what you like or don't like so far. All comments are welcome.

See you soon and stay safe and healthy.

I claim no credit for the photos or videos I used to enhance my story. Where even possible I will leave credit to the owners.  

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