Chapter Four

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I must have fainted at some point, because I could feel myself waking up, but I still couldn't see anything. I felt weak, but I was sure I could stand. Slowly getting up, I tried feeling for the door handle. If there had been any light, I'm sure I would have looked ridiculous as I was feeling my way along the wall.

"You..." the word came out of the darkness on a hiss -low and gravely as if the person speaking hadn't used their voice in a long time. I froze, fear flooding me. It was bad enough I was in a pitch black room -at least I thought it was a room. Now I got to hear the voice of something that I wasn't entirely sure was my friend.

A cough resounded. Then it came again, that scratchy voice. "You smell different. Are you... lost perhaps? I could help you."

I didn't want to answer, I couldn't. If it knew where I was, it might eat me! Franticly feeling along the wall again, I found the door, only to find there was no door handle... What? How was it gone?

"I see. You're no dragon. No way out for those who aren't dragons. Don't worry my little friend. Did you get thrown here just as we did? Tell me, little friend. What heinous crime did you commit to join us in the darkness? Or was it a crime at all? Falsely imprisoned? I can relate. Or... perhaps foolish enough to stumble upon his majesty's wickedly crafted prison?"

They sounded less terrifying than before, and daring to turn around, I did answer that time. "I um... Was stupid..." I giggled a little and rather nervously as I slid down the wall to sit down.

"Is that how the story goes, little friend? Well, for the moment, it is just you and I as the others are sleeping. Well, if you can call it sleep," the voice added with a snicker that didn't sound all that sane. I shivered. "Oh how time flies. Chat with me awhile. Or don't, that's alright too. But perhaps listen to this withered old thing, maybe? A time ago I was quite charming -in my prime... is that what you call it? Ah, nevermind. Come closer, little friend. It's so very hard to see you. Tucked away, all the way over there..."

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but decided to do as they asked. I got to my feet and tried making my way over to the voice. I found it and sat down just in front of them, ready to listen to the rest of the story.

This area was not as dark as the rest. A slight glow penetrated the void -which is what I'd found and seated myself in front of. The glow shifted, moving in a kind of sway from left to right. The slow motion was almost hypnotizing. "Ah, much better. A pleasure to meet you, my little friend. I've not had visitors since... well... never," it purred and the light gathered, almost like it was coming into focus. The figure before me became more apparent. It was large, or tall rather. It moved, and with it came the sound of chains.

The light slowly brightened and I could see black cloth -tattered and torn from general decay. Boots scuffed across the floor as the light grew stronger at its center. The creature dropped in front of me, long white hair that might have been styled at one point was frayed around his face. The skin was ashen and sunken in. Blood red eyes bore into mine as he leaned closer. Gnarled fingers grasped my jaw, nails digging into my cheeks. His mouth opened and I found I couldn't breath at the sight of the fangs that came into view.

"No one ever comes in here to visit," he cooed. "You are so very young. And pulsing with life. You were indeed stupid to come in here, little friend..." his voice was cold and shaking as if he couldn't contain himself. His grip became painful and he lifted me upward. "So much strength in you..." The creature's breathing was rapid, the glow that filled his chest grew erratic as he took in a deep breath, ran his tongue over his lips and leaned in close. His other hand gripped my arm tightly, keeping me in place. "Riveting..."

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