Chapter TwentyOne

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There was a soft hum next to me. Then a gentle nudge against my shoulder. "Khu'meir," Nakiirn's voice called out, stirring me from my slumber. I could feel his amusement through me via our connection. Another nudge against me and I opened my eyes.

"Nakiirn," I was drowsy and my voice was a slight grumble. I gave him a frown, to which he only smiled.

"Look," he said and simply pointed. I turned my gaze to see what he was gesturing at. The six eggs that I'd seen when I first woke up were still in their spot. Their color had darkened a bit, but otherwise they were still a brilliant blue that reflected Nakiirn's eyes. "How wonderful. Six little ones, Khu'meir," he said. The pride in his voice was unmistakable. Happiness rushed through me from him. Nakiirn was almost bursting with it.

I was glad he had forgotten all about his mark, because I hadn't. It was nice to see him so happy and full of joy, it made it easier for me as I watched the eggs. Though there was a moment of concern. Six eggs, that was a lot. I looked back to Nakiirn and gave him a smile, and tried to make it as real as I could. Sure, I was happy about the pretty little things, but... it was difficult to be happy with the thought of that damned mark in the back of my head.

"They are so beautiful." I said, laying my head back on the pillows.

Nakiirn brushed his fingers over my face, then down to my chin where he lifted just enough so that I was looking at him. "They are. Just like you. In a few days they'll be moved into a heated nursery. My essence will cover them as they grow," he said, his voice trailing off as he turned his gaze to the eggs nestled between us. He let go of me and brushed his fingers across each one of them.

"I'm not leaving them alone." I told him sternly. If he really thought I would just leave them all alone, he was wrong. No matter how safe they would be, I was staying with them. I turned away from him, hoping he wouldn't argue with me on it as I looked down at my new babies.

Nakiirn laughed. "I never said anything about leaving them, Khu'meir. Just that they will be placed in a nursery within this room. My essence will assist in helping them grow. During that time, I'm afraid I'll be rather tired. It is highly likely we will both remain within this room for the duration of their growth within the eggs."

"And why can't they stay right here, with us?" I asked as I glanced back at him. "I'm sure that we'll be warm enough for them to grow right here." I couldn't explain it, but I suddenly felt really protective of them and couldn't bear the thought of leaving out of my sight for even a moment. Even if it was only to move them.

"You're going to be wonderful to them," Nakiirn commented. Then he shifted to a more comfortable position on the bed and closed his eyes as he explained why we couldn't keep them in bed with us. "I'm sure you could stay warm, but not warm enough for them. At such a young age, the heat they need would be akin to that of dragons fire. A special bed is made for them, between the fire heated rocks and my essence, the temperature would remain the same for all of them at all times. It's essential that they keep that same temperature. They will be within this room, love. And you can certainly stay right next to them for as long as you wish. It might be a bit... hot for you though. But, whatever you wish. Shall I have a bed made up for you next to them?" He asked with a small smile.

Dragon fire... That's really hot... I thought to myself as I realised it might not be a good idea to be right next to them after all. "No, it's fine. I don't really want to burn to a crisp." I said with a small giggle as I turned all of me to face him then.

Nakiirn gave a soft laugh as well. "I'd rather you didn't do that too," he replied. His eyes remained closed as he lay there, one arm up under his head, the other stretched out across the pillows in my direction. Nakiirn was still naked, the sheets just barely covering his hips and one leg. His chest rose and fell slowly and when he didn't move or speak again, I figured he was asleep. The curve of his muscle was tantalizing to look at. Just above his hip, there was a small mark -the mark where he'd been branded. It was small, and nearly faded against his skin. It must have been the pools healing that helped make it less visible.

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