━ 𝘁𝘄𝗼. detention with the wicked toad

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Chapter Two:
( detention with the wicked toad  )

Chapter Two:( detention with the wicked toad  )

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HAVING DETENTION IN THE first day of classes was not exactly a part of Spencer's start of her fifth year. Did she regret it? No. Spencer was not one to quickly act on her actions. She meant every word and would accept the consequence for it. Perhaps the other students were surprised, but it was not like it mattered. All of the fifth-years were no longer innocent kids. That ended— not when puberty passed— when one of them was murdered. She was sure none of them would forget the dirty, pale look on Cedric's face. It was there she knew they would have to choose on whose side they were on. First of all, however, they had to realize how idiotic they are if they do not believe he is back.

Professor Flitwick received the news and had given her a short disciplined speech. Based on his expression, he did not really care that she had received a detention from the new professor, but was rather thrilled and even gave her some points for 'accepting' the consequences. None of the staffs seemed to like the woman either, but they were cautious around her. It made sense since she was a part of the Ministry. His class time was not so bad, although he gave about a fifteen minute speech about what he is expecting to get prepared for their OWLs. She comfortably sat beside Ricky who distracted himself by doodling in his scratch of parchment with a whole bunch of hearts. Her eyes narrowed playfully, a small snort escaping her. It was honestly quite obvious that the boy had a crush on Harry Potter. He was always infatuated with him especially in their first year where Ricky had been awestruck by the boy. She remembered exactly how the first time they met had been. Ricky was a stuttering mess which had made Harry awkward. Not in a bad way, but Spencer could tell (even then) that the boy did not grew up hearing his own stories and had not gain much attention.

Throughout the years, Ricky's crush never faded and it increased last year during the Yule Ball. Harry went with one of the Patil twins, but he did not dance at all with her. When the Gryffindor girl left the boy, Ricky took his chance to sit down beside him and the two started conversing. The boy who lived was completely oblivious to the crushing of Ricky (which greatly frustrated Spencer because it was quite obvious) and still, Ricky always gave him heart eyes.

Transfiguration was not any better than Charms. Do not get her wrong. Spencer admires Professor McGonagall, the woman was strict and yet extremely brilliant and kind-hearted. To be frank, Spencer envied the Gryffindors just for that one reason. She once heard that the Sorting Hat took at least five minutes with the woman as a young girl. Apparently, it had a hard time deciding to put her in Gryffindor or in Ravenclaw. Just imagine if the woman had been in the said house. Spencer liked Professor Flitwick, but the woman just had that effect in people. In that class, she sat (surprisingly) beside Hermione. She did not understand why since the Gryffindor was smarter than most Ravenclaws either way. But Professor McGonagall thought it was best if Neville was seated beside Ricky because the Ravenclaw boy was the perfect choice. In her own words, Ricky was smart to help Neville in a sweet and confident way. Hermione could be a bit demanding in her help, while Spencer was quickly distracted by something else (it was not intentional, but she read quite fast).

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