━ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲. daniel's request

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Chapter Twenty-Five:
( daniel's request )

Chapter Twenty-Five: ( daniel's request )

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"WELL, I'LL BE OFF WITH Harry, then. I'll miss you."

"Don't be dramatic, Ricky. We're gonna meet up so you can meet Daniel later."

"Ah, but being dramatic is in my nature, Spencer. Good luck, though!"

The first trip to Hogsmeade came rather quick. Within a blink of an eye, Spencer finds herself shivering at the simple coldness lingering in the unrestful air. Ever since Professor Slughorn's first supper with what he calls the 'Slug Club', Spencer was forced to go onto two more— sitting beside Hermione and Blaise. She does not mind sitting beside her Gryffindor friend, but she figures that the rest of the table (Hermione and Cormac) don't really enjoy hearing her and the Slytherin go off on each other. It also does not help that Cormac McLaggen never stops trying to woo either Hermione or her— at one point Spencer tried flirting back to make him lose interest, though, it failed miserably and the Gryffindor boy is even more annoying. Sometimes, Blaise would simply glare at McLaggen and that would get him to shut up for the rest of the time (thankfully!). Any who, October came quick and this undoubtedly time, Ricky and her would not be going together. Well, not in the first half at least. Ricky impose that it is best if she and Daniel get a moment to themselves before meeting up with him for the first time. She did not agree until Ricky told her that he would go with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

She strolls silently pass dozens of students trying to find the perfect store that is both open and cozy. The village feels dull and gloomy despite how crowded some stores manages to be. With her arms crossed around her chest, she continues toward the way where Blaise had once took her. In her last letter sent to Daniel, she told him to meet her at Tomes and Scrolls. The place, as expected, has barely anyone inside other than the essential workers and Daniel Gray quietly pacing around.

His curly-hair grew a few inches longer than before, messily being flopped down onto his forehead and not neat like when she first met him. Spencer can sense his tiredness even from ten feet away, noticing his posture shifting uncomfortably and restlessly.

"Daniel," Spencer calls out only when she's nearby. Her eyes trail on his face numerous times— a hint of worry building up on her. The thirty-three year old man turns away from the books he is staring at and toward her, a genuine thin smile on his lips.

"Hey, kid," he greets kindly, wrapping one arm around her back to give her half a hug. She smiles lightly at the gesture before gazing at him curiously. Though, it appears that he is genuinely glad to see her, that is not all why he has come here for. She begins following him and walks down the aisles, both of them listening well to one another, but their eyes stuck on the books.

𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 ━ blaise zabini ✔️Where stories live. Discover now