━ 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝘁𝘄𝗼. godric's hallow

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Chapter Forty-Two:
( godric's hallow )

Chapter Forty-Two:( godric's hallow )

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SILENCE HAS ALWAYS BEEN Spencer's greatest enemy. Most of the time her mind takes her into a room of darkness where it feels like someone is suffocating her. She always tries to reassure herself that focusing on the memories that brought her happiness will help like how Daniel once advised her. However, it does nothing except make her crave to be that way once more. She keeps herself busy by reading books at any chance given, rereading, reciting, all of that involvement just so she can keep herself up at night and not wonder if Ricky and Ron are dead or having been caught by Death Eaters. Her mind completely dangerous to herself that it sometimes wants to make Spencer just bash her head onto the floor and hope the voices dial down.

             Fortunately, Harry takes notice of how she feels and does his best to be around her knowing it makes her slightly better. Since Ricky would always sleep right next to her, Spencer in the first week did not do so well. She lost five days of sleep by forcing herself awake majority of the time and only taking a nap for one hour while the rest she wasted it by thinking or reading. Sometimes, her vision starts to get a bit hazy making her realize that the start of insomnia and the way she tortures herself is doing more damage to her eyes.

Harry was the first to notice that when he woke up in the middle of the night only to find a small light emitting from her wand and the girl forcing her eyes wide open. Since then, he has been sleeping beside her hoping it can start regaining her loss of sleep.

No one has been alright ever since Ron and Ricky left. Hermione cries herself to sleep and wakes up being completely mute unless it is to give orders or ask for something. Spencer always realized that the two do them liked each other... she never noticed it was this much. When Harry was not with them, it was always Hermione and Ron. Now, they are all apart. Hermione has been far too broken to function properly. Harry is not any better. He makes himself seem as if he does not care about what happened, but he truly does. Ron is his best friend, his brother. The one that back in the Triward Tournament it was Ron who turned out to be the one person Harry would not want to live without.

Spencer is sitting by herself with a muggle pencil on her hand and pieces of parchment all around her. She has the watch Dumbledore gave her beside, fully open to take notion of the pattern that gives her the numbers that have now decrease from what it had originally been. The young girl still does not understand what the numbers are meant to be for, but she sees nothing good from it. There is not much she can do right now either way. More than four different thoughts are crossing on her head that cannot let her focus because when she does it is only for about ten seconds before it leads her to a new one that makes her head ache.

𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 ━ blaise zabini ✔️Where stories live. Discover now