━ 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. shell cottage

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Chapter Forty-Eight:
( shell cottage )

Chapter Forty-Eight:( shell cottage )

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             THE FIRST SENSE THAT returns to her is hearing. Spencer thought she opened her eyes, but all she sees is darkness staring back at her, mocking her. When she first heard noises, she thought they were fake— that her mind is making it up to manipulate her or possibly try and make her feel better (isn't that the same thing?). Is it cruel for it to make her hear her brother when he is far away? Or Fleur's soft accent singing to her in French? Is that what it is? More punishment because she did not die? Spencer does not want to die and in her weakest moment, she craved for it. She remembers so clearly begging for her aunt to let go of Ricky, for her to just kill her instead of him. Or was it so she could no longer feel how horrible it felt? Even more so than the time Morgana had done it.

             "Sometimes are subconscious is awake first than our body," Spencer hears her mind mocking her with her brother's words. At that moment, she does not care because she misses him so, so much. "I hope this is true for your case, Spence. Ron told me Mordra got to you and that Bellatrix hurt Ricky and Hermione. They're alright, by the way. Sleeping, but alright."

             The second sense that returns is touch. That is when Spencer begins realizing that her mind is not playing tricks with her. Not when she can actually feel someone touching her hand, squeezing it tight hoping for a response. Spencer tries to return it, but she gives up after a few seconds when she realizes her body is still exhausted to do the same. She waits. And then some time passes and she can smell honey and herbs in one which makes her assume someone is making some type of tea.

             She waits again.

             And as she does, Spencer lets herself wander around her mind. It is calm, unlike back at the manor when everything went passing through her as if it was the last time she will be seeing it. Fortunately, no matter how troubling her mind is, she still has every bit of information and memory in there. Everything is different, however. It is like she is walking inside her mind, noticing a whole different piles of doors organized with age and trauma or happiness. It was never like that before. Usually, her mind is one of its own and anything pretty much goes through it but this time she feels at peace. Instead of teaming up against her— her mind is now letting itself work with her. Spencer can feel it. It is soft, warm, and exhausted of all it has gone through and now it is buzzing with ideas to get back on her feet and destroy her family that ruined her.

Don't be afraid of me any longer, and together, we can work better than we've ever worked before— just accept it.

𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 ━ blaise zabini ✔️Where stories live. Discover now