━ 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗼𝗻𝗲. a burrow's stay

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( a burrow's stay )

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE:( a burrow's stay )

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             IT TAKES A FEW weeks to get comfortable in the household of the Weasleys. All of them made sure to make her feel safe and in return she grew closer to them all. The young Montague currently sits beside Daniel as they converse casually about a few books they read— she does not dare and comment about his own book because she wanted his signature, how embarrassing! Spencer was not sure how to react when he told her that he would be staying around. Sure, she likes him enough, but it did not mean she was suddenly okay with it. And perhaps it is rude of her to wish that he was just a random person, but everything just continues to change in her life! It is just easier to pretend he is not her brother. Though, to be kind, she slowly begin calling him Daniel other than 'Agent' because of that awkward smile on his face.

Her gaze lands on him when he hands her a book, making her curiously turn it over with an inspection before nodding in agreement. Beyond Good and Evil is a book that was written by Friedrich Nietzche around the late-1800s having to do with criticizing past philosophers that undermines what it means to be a good or evil person— hence the beyond in the title.

             "'What compels us to assume there exists any essential antithesis between 'true' and 'false'?'" Spencer mumbles out of memory, letting her finger slightly trace over the book before immediately turning to the page that asks that very question. Daniel raises an eyebrow and stares at her curiously.

             "How did we end up sharing many similarities without even knowing about each other?" Daniel laughs ironically, checking out the page with an impressed look. Even without stating the obvious, it is clear to them that they both have eidetic memory. Spencer usually finds herself wondering about their strange ability. Some muggles only tend to have it when they are kids but as they grow older it vanishes from their capability. Adults are almost non-existence in gaining it and yet, Daniel seems to still have it along with Spencer (although she is still considerably young compared to him).

             Spencer hums in agreement before saying, "I can tell you our differences."

             The older man tilts his head in question and gives her a look as if saying to continue. She gazes at the wrongly timed clock and tells him, "It's not something I'm proud of, but it is definitely useful when needed... Morgana, Mordra, and I have this innocent-looking expression— we use it for manipulations. Honestly, it's surprising how much it works."

             "You don't think I can be manipulative? Spencer, I'm a wizard profiler and agent, I think I can definitely be manipulative as well," Daniel waves off playfully. Spencer shrugs unknowingly before waiting a full minute. Then, she fakes a gasp, bringing her hand up to her stomach as if she's in pain. The older man widens his eyes in alert and quickly turns to her with concern. "What's wrong? Do you need anything?"

𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 ━ blaise zabini ✔️Where stories live. Discover now