━ 𝘁𝗲𝗻. fixes and breaks

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Chapter Ten:
( fixes and breaks )

Chapter Ten:( fixes and breaks )

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             FOR SOME ODD REASON, Spencer and Harry have created a routine in meeting up when the sky is dark, sitting in one of the benches that is around the corner of their dormitories. It had begun the day of the rivalry game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, but it was not the last time they did it. Around twice a week or so, they would somehow gather up and Spencer would place a silencing charm around them in case what they were to say was personal— or top-secret. It certainly surprises her when Harry decides to bring up the Daily Prophet and the local news of the Azkaban prisoners escaping.

             "Mordra Montague is your aunt, I'm guessing?" Harry brings up carefully, his head tilts in confusion. Sometimes, Spencer forgets that he grew up as a muggle and not a wizard. When he brings up topics like those she finds it easier to remember. Purebloods and some half-bloods knows of her delusional aunt just like how they know how incredibly insane Bellatrix Black is as well. One would think the two women obsessed with the Dark Lord were to be the best of friends— truthfully, the two spite each other for their obsession. They are practically in love with the mass murderer himself.

             The young Montague nods as her response. Four muggles are dead because of her. The first one Mordra killed, the Ministry blew it off because her own parents (yes, Spencer's) defended that the woman (her mom's sister) had been in their manor and the person killed was found elsewhere. Someone had communicated with the Ministry about it, but the case was shut down until they later figured out the person who called them was correct. She is not sure who had accused her aunt, but they had not been wrong. Spencer had not been born by then— and neither had Morgana. Their aunt was free to walk until Spencer was around five and the truth was revealed. Morgana was distraught to find her favorite aunt heading to Azkaban (not the cold murders) and aspired to be just like her. Spencer shivers in disgust realizing how that is still true before thinking back to the newspaper and the other information she read about.

             "They blame Sirius Black for it," Spencer recalls on what she read. As expected, her friend's green eyes shift awkwardly to the side. The first time they met up in the place they were at, he confessed something deep and trusting about himself. In the process, he mentioned his godfather. Spencer did not know that Harry knew his godfather and thought back on who it could be. It did not take long for her to make a connection between the accused murderer and the boy who lived. What confused her endlessly is how Harry seems to talk and care about him? Which is why she brought this conversation on.

             Harry glances around before remembering she put a charm around them either way. "What I'm about to tell you... you cannot tell anyone— not even Ricky, okay?"

𝐄𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 ━ blaise zabini ✔️Where stories live. Discover now