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(F/N)= FIRST (Male) name
(H/C)=Hair Color
(E/C)=Eye Color
(S/C)=Skin Color

Running down stairs, you slam the door open to be greeted with a cheeky grin from a familiar blond haired, blue eyed best friend rubbing his nose. Waving to your parents, you depart from your apartment to see a tired pineapple and an adorable chubby boy stuffing his face with chips. Running to the park, you decided to swing next to the pineapple boy that is 100% contemplating about life right now.

"'re (F/N) now?"

Looking over, you give him an awkward smile. Not sure what you're emotionally feeling, "Yeah, that doesn't bother you, does it? Shikamaru?"

"Nah, if Naruto can get used to it right away, so can I. I'll admit, I'll miss your long, (H/C) hair.

You laugh at him as you swing higher, enjoying the view. Your first friend of the bunch is Choji, the adorable chubby boy that is now running around the park trying to get his chips back from Naruto's clutches. About three years ago, when you were five years old, you were at a dango stand with your mother. Waiting for the sweets, a big man with a chubby boy next to him arrives to order. Turns out your mother and him used to know each other back in the academy days so they started up a conversation. Leaving you and Choji to awkwardly stare at one another until your order is finally done. Annoyed by the two adults ignoring you, you shyly greet Choji gaining more of his attention. That was the first time you have ever known of his existence. Naruto was the second friend you met. Not under great circumstances, though.

He graffitied your apartment building just like he painted the many others along the way. Your dad, being an old ANBU member under Danzo's Division, ROOT, grabbed him before he could escape.

Instead of lecturing him, your dad just sighed before bringing him into the house making him stay for dinner. You have never laughed so much in your life before that night. Energetic, loud, funny, clumsy, and just downright adorable with those huge, round blue eyes you knew you would forever be friends with the little prankster that is a pain in the ass to the village.

Lastly, Shikamaru.

Shikamaru is the kid you go to when you just want peace and quiet every once in awhile. Staring at clouds, watching the stars as you have your back against his and your head resting on his shoulder with eyes closely shutting.

Orientation, two years later after meeting Choji and Naruto, is when you met Shikamaru. Standing in line behind him you noticed a cherry petal on his back. Not wanting to be rude and startling him, you cleared your throat as you tapped him on the shoulder, "There is a petal on your back."

He tried to reach on his back to remove it, but it was in an area that's hard to scratch.

"Let me," you gently smiled at him, making him blush. Taking off the petal became a symbol that day, a symbol of a beginning to a deep friendship.

"Don't I look handsome, now that I have short hair?"

Slowing the swing down, you wait for his answer as you intently stare at him. "This is so bothersome...of course you look handsome. No matter what you do or who you are, you always seem to be..." Shikamaru stops himself, as if he is realizing what he was about to say to you.

You stand in front of him with an eye brow raised, motioning for him to continue. He doesn't. No. He just glances at you with pink cheeks and stands tall in front of you, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder shutting his eyes, "No matter what, I'm your friend...and you always seem to be...handsome...even when you were a pretty girl. You back then were just handsome."

He gasps for air after talking, trying to pull you off him. Hugging him like it's life or death you kiss him on the cheek excited that all of your closest friends, best friends, accepted you for who you truly are inside your heart.

Being a girl was beyond just not feeling right, it was not who you are.

Your mentality, your actions, even your you, being a girl was being a prisoner for a crime you didn't even commit. Depression, anxiety, dysphoria, and anger. Oh, the anger. No one could ever handle you when you're angry, you are just a pure nightmare from hell.

"Naruto, give Choji his chips back," you yell gaining the blonde's attention. Still looking at you, he trips on his own two feet, face planting on the ground. Seeing an opportunity, Choji jumps on Naruto, reaching for his chips. Both Shikamaru and you sweat drop at their antics asking yourselves in your thoughts about why the hell you are friends with them.

"(F/N), wanna get ramen," Naruto asks you with stars in his eyes. Shikamaru rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed he's ignoring him. "Hey, moron, Chōji and I are still here."

"Oh, yeah...well I guess you guys can come," he grumbles crossing his arms. Letting out a laugh, the four of you walk to Ichiraku Ramen.

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