Family Time

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You sit with your mother on the couch in the living room watching an action movie starring a famous actress and the star of the film, Yukie Fujikaze, who stars as Princess Gale. Suddenly, right when an action scene comes to a climax, your mother jumps up from the couch and runs to the bathroom. Hearing her throw up, you gently sit the pop corn down and pause the movie  for her and to make her soup. "(F/N), you can keep watching the movie," she yells from the toilet.

"I rather watch with you, besides, it's much more fun to watch with people you love."

Boiling up some left over rice soup and making ginger tea, your mother leaves the bathroom to go to her room to brush her teeth. "Aww, you really don't have to honey," she shouts from her room.

"Mom, you need to be taken care of."

Coming out, your mom sighs and smiles at you with love, "(F/N), that's supposed to be my line..."

Moving her over to the couch, you set a cushioned tray on her lap with the hot bowl and tea while resuming the movie. You yourself holding your own ginger tea. She makes you worry sometimes, especially knowing that you never caused her sickness when you were in her uterus. But the little sucker in her now has been such a pain since it has been five months.

"That was a good movie, wonder when the next will come out."

"Think they are shooting it this year so either the end of the year or next," you take her empty bowl and cup. After washing the dishes, your father comes back from his talk with the Hokage. Even though your old man retired from that life...the ninja seems to always follow him. "Thought you were going to train today and hang out with your friends," he questions, taking off his shoes and hanging his keys.

"Just wanted to be with mom."

"(F/N), your father is back so you can now do your training and do what kids do these days," your mom nags at you, irked that you felt the need to watch over her when she can handle herself.

You whine at her telling her that you're not a kid anymore but a ninja which cracks your father up. Deciding to just keep on the clothes you are already wearing—just consisting a light pink t-shirt, light blue shorts reaching the middle of your thighs, and a comfortable black velvet choker with a vibrant blue gem your grandmother gave you for holiday—you shuffle into your shoes and wave your parents bye before leaving.

"I'll only be gone a couple hours, see ya guys."

Walking from your apartment, you enjoy the sun on your skin and all the different smells from the many shops and stands.

Kakashi Sensei this week gave the team a three day break. After the Land of Waves mission, you were all given a bit more time off for the mission was way more excelled and violent than Genins should handle. Yet, thinking back on it you were glad it was that mission and not picking dog poop from lawns, something you were basically doing after the break.

At the training ground, you think of the day you asked your Sensei to help you more with chakra control and your chakra gates to learn why it is hard to open and do ninjutsus like the others.

It was a week after the Land of Waves mission and you asked him for help after the first mission back.

"Naruto, I need to talk to Sensei for a minute. Wait for me," you asked your small little bean. When he walked away, you turned your attention to Kakashi right before he was about to leave himself.

"Sensei, I really need to ask you something," you tapped him on his back. Kakashi turned around and tilted his head, wondering what you needed to ask. Though it was a boring day and he was tired, you had his attention. This was the right time to get it off your chest.

Mr. Charm (Naruto x FTM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now