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Rainbows POV

The next day I got up made the adults breakfeast!my grandmother left a note saying,"no breakfast rainbow freak " Of course not,and headed to school. my aunt wasn't there, she I'm hoping got fired. As I was in the line to go in I felt dizzy. I sat slouched on the wall and put my knees to my chest,and put my head on my knees.

I felt a hand, I flinched I looked up it was twilight. I put my head on her shoulder and shut my eyes, "you ok rainbow?" She asked.

I shook my head.

I heard running it was AJ and rarity (this will come in hand later) with a magazine in her hand,they kneeled down. "what happened darling" Rarity said.

"I don't know" Twilight replied.

"What happened sugar cube?" AJ asked.

I whispered, "dizzy"

"Did you eat anything darling"

I shook my head and put my arms across my stomach.

"Here" Rarity said handing me a bag of cereal (name a kind) .

"Thanks you" I whispered opening the small zip lock bag.

"No problem darling" She said.

I nibbled on it and started to not feel dizzy but still had a small headache. "Now rainbow why didn't you eat this morning? Did you even have dinner yesterday you didn't really eat lunch" AJ asked.

"No I didn't eat dinner or breakfeast yesterday" I said.

"Why" Twilight asked

"I wasn't allowed" I whispered very low.


I jumped.

"Pinkie" Rarity said taping pinkie in the head with the magazine. Pinkie made a weird face.

(EG and rainbow in center)

"You know better" Rarity said.

"I do!" Pinkie said.

"You ok dashie" Shy asked me

I felt like saying 'no my family abuses me, pinkie is too loud, and I don't get to eat anything, also my life is H E double hockey sticks' but instead I said, "ya... I guess" And shrugged.

"Now why didn't cha eat" AJ asked

"I'm not allowed" I whispered again very low.

"What did you say darling" Rarity asked.

"She said she wasn't allowed" Shy said

I nodded.

"Why aren't you allowed to eat dashie" Pinkie said in a normal tone.

I shrugged

"You can tell us sugarcube" AJ said rubbing my shoulder.

I sat up from Twilight's shoulder,

"We won't judge, you can tell us" Twilight said.

I sniffled, as I pulled up my hood and cried.

Fluttershy came over to the other side of me, she rubbed my back, I put my head into her chest and sobbed.

A few minutes later I lifted my head off fluttershy, "sorry" I said wiping my tears away.

"Why are you sorry sugarcube?" AJ said, "you did nothing wrong"

"Sorry" I said again, "I'm not allowed to cry at home" I whispered.

"Why not dashie" Shy asked in a quiet and calming voice.

"My family hates me" I whispered still very low.

Fluttershy gasped.

"WHAT DID SHE SAY" The others yelled.

I covered my ears.

"Sorry darling bit we couldn't hear you" Rarity said

"Sorry" I said facing the ground.

"Look rainbow tell us what's wrong" AJ told me.

I nodded and whispered to where no one could hear but them, "my family hates me"

The girls gasped.

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