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Rainbows POV

I was home after my beating. I am now in my room tending to my bruises.  I also got some clothes and tank.

When it got dark I headed to the cabin, when I got there I found a small box.

When I opened it there was a locket. I put it on and opened it. There was a picture of me and mom. I was almost in tears.

I headed out, when I got towards the edge when something hit my head and everything went black...


I went to find rainbow, I hadn't seen her all day. I went to her locker and found a note, it said.
Hey girls, I went to my mom's old cabin and I should have been back by today. If I am not then something is wrote so please come help. - Dashie

Oh no something's wrong, "I gotta get the girls" I said.

I raced off to find them.

I found them, "girls rainbow is in danger" I said handing them the note.

"There's a address" Twi said, "543 cottage road"

"My house is on that road" Shy said, "it's a long walk too the cabin it's a twisted driveway"

"So let's go already" I said and we sprinted outside following shy.

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