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Fluttershy's POV

We went to the driveway, we saw rainbow at the edge of the forest laying there, unconscious. We ran over to her I picked her head up, I felt something... Wet? I look, it was blood! I looked at the girls.

"Blood" I said

Twilight took out a towel while Rarity called a Ambulance.

Twilight wrapped the towel on her head, and it stopped the bleeding.

A ambulance arrived, and took rainbow, me and AJ went along it was scary in there, they asked us questions, we answered them, when we got to the hospital, we met the girls in the waiting room, and waited.

And waited... And waited. It was around 8 o'clock at night. Visiting hours would be over at 11,

"Rainbow dash" We all looked at went over, "she's awake, she's also been a little jumpy so don't be too loud" We all looked at pinkie, "follow me" She said, we followed,

We got brought to a room and went in, she was curled up under the sheets.

"Rainbow" I said softly

She uncovered her face, she smiled for a second, she had a bandage on her head. We went over,

"How ya feeling rainbow" AJ asked

She shrugged

"HEY DASHIE! HOW ARE YOU? HOW DO YOU FEEL? WHAT HAPPENED?... " Rarity covered pinkies mouth

Rainbow hid again

Rarity then said, "I have had just about enough of you bothering poor rainbow"

Pinkie then said, "but I can't control it!"

"Rainbow come out" Twilight said

Rainbow came out a bit

I rubbed her back, "how you feel?" I asked

Rainbow felt her head and shrugged

"You gonna talk to us?" AJ asked

Rainbow shook her head


Rainbow shrank back down

Rarity covered her mouth again, "you need to keep your voice down"

"You're ok dashie" I said as I rubbed her back gently

Rainbow sighed, and came out

A nurse came in and said, "hi has Ms.Dash said anything yet?"

AJ shook her head

"SHE WON'T SAT A WORD TO US!" Pinkie yelled

Rarity then said, "what did I just tell you"

"You have to be in a normal or lower volume for her right now" She said, "or we will ask you too leave "

Rainbow didn't come out

The nurse walked over "can you tell us how you feel"

Rainbow came out and looked around, "ma-ma-ma-my head hurts..."

"Anything else" She said

"No" Rainbow said.

"Well at least she's speaking" Pinkie said in a little bit of a higher volume

"You'll be able to go home in a few hours then bleeding wasn't that bad it was just a scrap" She said

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Rainbows POV

A few hours later I was discharged, I don't know what time it was, they were going to just drop me off home but I said, "please I don't wanna go home" I said pulling my knees to my chest.

"WHY NOT?" Pinkie yelled

I pulled my hood up... "I just don't" I said.

AJ jumped in, "you have to go home sugar cube"

I gave up, I was gonna have to face my grandparents and dad... They aren't going to be happy... "Ok" I said.

When we got there the girls walked me to the door.

"Wait... Follow me" I said and ran to the side if the house. There was a ripe ladder leading to my window.

"Why don't we go through the door darling" Rarity said

"They're probably gonna kill me for sneaking out last night" I said,

"They won't kill you" Pinkie said

I started to climb, "come if you want"

I got to my window and saw that all of them followed me

"So do we have too go down stairs" Pinkie asked

"No this is it" I said, they looked shocked.

"You have boxes with clothes, a air mattress, and your book bag up here, the floor has basically splinters covering them, why?" Twilight said looking around

"Eh this is how I always lived" I said, starting to fix up my boxes.

I suddenly heard a bang from down stairs, I jumped and almost fell over, it sounded like something was thrown.

"What was that" AJ asked

"You girls should probably go before they find you here" I said

"Why" Pinkie pie

"I don't want you guys to get hurt" I said

"If you want us to go we will" Twilight said, they left. l pulled the ladder up once they left and hid it in a box.

I heard stomping down stairs. "Oh no did dad get drunk again"

I heard him cursing me out yelling, I then released that my grandparents aren't home, I quietly closed and locked the door, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I slowly made it to bed and fell asleep.

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