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Rainbows POV

Months past, a new school year started, and it was now late November, and a day before my birthday.

I never celebrated it, with dad and all.

But now I call wind and cloudy, Dad and Mom.

I was in my room doing homework.

My room we haven't redecorated yet since they haven't adopted me yet.

I really hope they do though, I love it here, they're like the family I never had.


The next day came, I'm 16...yay...

"Rainbow, time to get up" Cloudy said

I was already up, "hi mommy" I said leaning on the edge

"Hi cutie," she said rubbing my cheek, "happy birthday"

"How'd you know?" I asked leaning into her touch

"I just know," She said and picked me up.

I leaned on her chest.

"How about you get ready for school, and meet us downstairs" She said

I nodded


Once I was at school only shy knew it was my birthday, I didn't tell anyone else.

School went on as usual. We were home by 3 PM.

At home the others were there and my friends

I was confused.

"Happy birthday rainbow" They yelled

I smiled

I saw a few things on the table wrapped.

We all talked and they explained what was happening since I don't remember having a birthday party ever.

They told me to open the presents, I did, books, clothes, and a plushy.

I was done

Cloudy and wind then handed me a box and put another on the table.

"Open the one in your hand first" Wind said

I did, it was a phone! I never had one before, "you guys got me a phone! Why? I'm not your daughter"

"Open the other one" Cloudy said

I ripped the paper a bit and immediately saw what it was...

"You're adopting me!"

They nodded

I immediately ran to them both hugging them, tears in my eyes.

They hugged back,

I'm finally going to have a family!

I cried tears of joy.

We stayed like that for a while.

When we did pull apart cloudy dried my tears, "no more crying, your safe, happy, and have a family that loves you now"


When we cleaned up twi and flutters were helping me with my phone, trying to set it up and all, I didn't really get it at first.

When it was bed time I didn't want that day to end! It was the best day of my life!

I got changed and climbed into bed, holding my locket in hand.

"Hi mommy, I miss you a lot, you've given me strength to keep going, now I have a new mommy and daddy, but I'll never forget my first mom, but I'm finally safe, happy, and loved, thanks to you and my lost locket"

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