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As I went down stairs to make them breakfast my dad came out, "look you better not tell anyone or..." He held up a knife with a very creepy look... He had a bottle of some alcohol in the other... Ya he's drunk...

"I won't promise" I said

He slapped me then said, "go die in a hole little freak" Does he not know I'm half him, literally gene wise.

I put my hoodie on and put my hood on. I walked to school it was starting to get cold, when I got there I immediately went to my friends shaking. I still don't know how kids are wearing shorts.

"HI DASHIE" Pinkie said

I jumped and calmed down immediately. "Hi pinkie"

"Why is it so cold!" Twilight said

"I KNOW!" Pinkie screamed.

I was in my own little world, shivering from the cold, I was thinking about what my dad said, "go die in a hole" The world would do better without me, I have been through enough pain, I played with my locket that I found, it had my lightning bolt on it, it made me smile, I still can't believe I found it then was in the hospital, I could have died which I would have liked, but I'm here...

"RAINBOW DASH" I heard I snapped out of my thoughts

I looked up.

"There she is, what's wrong?" AJ asked.

"Nothing" I said with my locket in my hands smiling.

"When have we seen you actually smile" AJ said.

"Never..." I said still smiling and holding my locket.

"OOOOOOOH what's that! " Pinkie said

"Nothing important" I said slipping it into my jacket.

"Well it's making you smile" Twilight said, "so it's important to you"

I shrugged, "it really is"

"THEN WHAT IS IT!" pinkie yelled

"Something I found" I said taking it back out, and opening it smiling at the picture

"Who's that darling?" Rarity asked

"My... " I was almost in tears at the thought, "Mom"

"You ok dashie"fluttershy asked

My voice was shakey, "ya" I said closing the locket with a smile.

Then the bell rang...

I went to my locker, I opened it putting my afternoon class stuff in and grabbing my my morning class. The halls quickly got empty.

I got grabbed from the back and was lifted off the ground, I look at who it was, it was hoops with dumbbell and Gilda, "get your hands off me!" I yelled trying to get people's attention

"No!" Hoops yelled back

I decided that I didn't really care if I got in trouble, Gilda then slapped my face in the same spot my dad did,

Now it would be considered self defense, I kicked her in the shin then hoops in the shin. "I said to get your hands off me" Dumbbell helped his so called friends up and they ran.

I smirked, finally they stopped for a bit. I went back to getting my stuff from my locker.

"You ok darling" I heard as my friends came over to me.

"Actually" I giggled, "ya"

"I saw those three running for there lives what did you do?" Twilight asked

"Gilda slapped me then I kicked her and hoops in the shin" I said closing my locker.

"Where'd you find the strength to do that!" Pinkie yelled

I shrugged, we went to home room and I actually had a smile on my face.


When I went home I was early. My grandfather still hit me but I didn't get cut, whipped, or handcuffed to a poll, he just punched me a few times until he was out of breath. I went to my "room" And did homework for a bit before my dad came home more drunk.


As I looked at my locket that night I was smiling, forgetting about my bruises, the bullies, and my family, just thinking about what a great day I had, I know getting punched isn't good but I wasn't bleeding, I'm use too the punches, so today was a good day for me, first in a while, I forgot about everything around me expect the locket, just looking at it made me smile.


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