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Rainbows POV

"I suppose you don't want to be my friends anymore" I said on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"We would never do that dashie" Pinkie said in a calming voice for once

"Really" I said with a sniffle and looked up.

They all shook there heads.

I felt like lunging at them, "really promise!" I asked again

They all nodded then pinkie said. "Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye" Doing motions.

I giggled, even though she's loud she always can cheer me up.


We headed in and went to our separate lockers. Rarity was close to me since her last name was dimiond.

My locker suddenly closed well at least I was done getting my stuff,I tried to walk but my jacket was stuck in the door. "Hi crash I saw you outside... You were about to have a mental breakdown" It was hoops with dumbbell and gilda.

I went agenst my locker. "You looked hilarious crash" Dumbbell said.

Gilda got in my face and pushed me into the wall of lockers, "you don't deserve to live crash your just a tatil tale brat! "

The other two kicked me and left. The bell rang and my locker was jammed, I scrunched to the floor, no one noticed, no one cared, no one came looking.

The halls started to become clear, I saw a brown hat, it was AJs.

I didn't move I was stuck, why is it me? I'm going to get that locket tonight, except for the fact that my family is going to kill me, I'm going to hold home early do my chores and pack a bag, if I'm not back tomorrow there will be a note in my locker. Twi knows the code.

"I'm so sorry darling I saw what happened but I was being shoved the other way I would have come and helped if I could" Rarity said.

"It's ok rarity just..." I pulled on my jacket, "a little stuck"

"I'll try to open it" Twilight said then tried my code, it didn't work, she tried again and it didn't work

"I'll get cha" AJ said then tried to pull it, then kicked the door and tried to open it. "No budge," She said.

"Wow we could A. Get her un stuck, or B. Leave her here to rot until a janiter comes next week or never we don't know I haven't seen one in a while" Pinkie jabbered yelling and something getting in my face

I even didn't want to be here all eternity, I felt trapped well I sorta was. I pulled my hood up and had a few tears drip down.

"Pinkie stop being ridiculousl" Rarity says then hits her in the head with the magazine again.

"All but I'm so good at it" Pinkie said after shaking her head.

"Pinkie is right...It's hopeless just go on with your day I'll be fine" I cried.

"Oh look it's widdle baby crashie" I heard it was Gilda, she laughed and walked away.

"Don't listen ta em they're just tryin to make ya upset," AJ said as she lifted up my chin, "your not a cry baby ok your just worried"

I calmed down a bit. "Sorry" I said

"Pinkie your coming with me" Twilight said, "we're going to get a teacher well be right back" Then started to walk to the homeroom it was all the way on the other side of the hallway

AJ tried to pull my jacket out but even if she did my shirt was stuck too.

Twilight and pinkie came back with Mrs.Cheerile. "how'd you get yourself stuck Deary" She asked.

I shrugged

"It was dumbbell hoops and Gilda" Rarity said.

Oh they are gonna kill me.

"I'll call the custodian" She said and went to a nere by classroom I heard her say, "uh mrs.Anderson we have a situation can I use the phone"

Mrs. Anderson looked out, "yup that's a sticky situation" She went back in and said, "no sit down Conor"

Janiter Brown came. I backed away a bit I hate people I don't know, I have some trust issues, I trust the girls and spike just not the men I don't know, I like Mr.Tower and Mr.Ramos there funny but any other get them away.

I shivered in fright a bit. He started to pull my locker open he had a key too. I don't know how but he got me out.

"Thank you" I whispered still sitting on the ground.

"Just doing my job" He said then tipped a fake hat, I giggled a bit.

We headed to class to start our day.

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