S1. E.1

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Three lines

Laikyn's POV

"I'm so deadass i literally don't even find him attractive. And he's my best friend so why would i want to date him?" Yea that's me arguing with my friends about not liking my best friend.

Hi. My name is Laikyn Rosario and if you didn't guess already Alejandro Rosario is my twin brother. He's annoying and very overprotective but i love him to death. You see, he really doesn't like me being around his friends ESPECIALLY Mattia because he thinks we're gonna fuck and all of this other stupid shit just because something happened in Mattia's past and they can't tell me.

"Babes, you can stop lying. We know you and Mattia have a little thing for each other." My best friend, Avani said. She's the one obsessed with my brother.

"Shit. I gotta go. Avani, take me home please. My sister just pissed herself. AGAIN." Thats Eden. She's literally the sweetest person someone could meet.

"Ight bye guys love you!"

"Bye Laikyn!" They said in sync.

I get up and go into my brothers room and see Mattia and Kairi on his bed, playing fifa. GREAT. I stood in front of the TV to get their attention.

"Ale, take me to get something to eat. I'm hungry."

"Laikyn, get tf. There's food downstairs. Now go" He shooed me away but i stayed.

"I want food tho." I pouted.

"Hell no now leave." He rolls his eyes and flips me off.

Nonchalant ass bitch. I sigh and go back into my room and put on my favorite show, Money Heist (a/n: i've never actually seen that should i watch it?) turned my LED lights to purple because why not and laid down on my bed. Then i heard a knock at my door.

"ITS OPEN!" I yelled knowing it was probably Alejandro. But it wasn't. It was Kairi.

Kairi is like my best friend. We do almost everything together and he's like a brother to me. But Alejandro told me that Kairi had a crush on me but he was probably lying.

He was standing at my door with a pillow in his arms and a pouting look on his face.

"What's wrong bubs?"

"Mattia and Alejandro kicked me out because they said i needed to be 5'6 and up to sleep in his room." He pouted.

"Aww well you can sleep with me. I don't mind."

I pat the spot beside me and he quickly jumps onto my bed. He cuddled into my arm and we watched money heist together. UNTIL Mattia and Alejandro burst into my room at like 2:16 am.


"Shut up it's literally 2:16 am, and Kairi is asleep so get tf."

"Sissy, please can we just sleep in here? Only for the night."

I look at Mattia and he looks at me and smirks. Oh you sly bitch.

"Yea i guess just please don't wake up Kairi. You douche bags already kicked him out!"

Kairi moves around and his arm wraps around my waist. Mattia looks at him and rolls his eyes.

"Fine i guess y'all can sleep here but i'm telling mom we need a wet vac. AGAIN."

"Thanks your the best sister in the world."

"Suck my"-

"Why is everyone being so loud?"

I look over and see Kairi half sleep and half awake.

"Shhh you're dreaming go back to sleep." I pat him on the head.

Alejandro and Mattia jump onto my bed making me fall off.


I rub my head and get back into my bed, which there was no room so i slept between Mattia and Kairi with Kairi in my front and Mattia behind my back. Lovely.

The Next Morning

I woke up at the edge of the bed, somebody's foot in my face and across my stomach, Kairi and Alejandro were cuddling and me and Mattia were spooning. wait. ME AND MATTIA ARE SPOONING.

"OKAY GUYS TIME TO GET UP!" I yell while clapping my hands.

Kairi falls off the bed and Alejandro screams.

"Ow my head." Kairi whines.

"I thought we were about to fucking die Laikyn it's not that serious!"  Alejandro says.

"Okay so everyone can get the fuck out!" I smile as i point to the door as they get up to leave.

"Mattia that means you too."

Where do i start with me and Mattia's little "relationship" we have? Well one day he just showed up in my house unexpectedly and now we're really good friends. That flirt. A lot. But Alejandro doesn't think Mattia is good for me for some odd reason. It's something about his past and they don't want me to get "mixed up" in all of it which is stupid.

"Why do i have to leave?" He lays his head into my lap and fakes sleep.

"You already know how Alejandro is gonna act." I say, as i run my fingers through his hair.

"Okay i'll leave. Guess you didn't want me here anyone." He says while getting up.

"Mattia i was jok"-

I felt his lips touch mine and we started to kiss. Did i mention we've had sex a couple of times?

"Hey, Alejandro asked if y'all wanted brea- oh looks like y'all are already eating each other's faces out."

Me and Mattia stopped kissing and we turn to look at the door and see Kairi standing there with a disgusted look on his face.

"Imma go throw up now."

Me and Mattia look at each other and laugh. Hmm. I wonder why Alejandro doesn't want me to date him?

do y'all like this so far? if so comment and tell me and you can give ideas if you want to😁

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