S1. E.6

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Three Lines

Laikyn's POV

"Excuse me what?" I say.

"I'm the real Camilla. The girl that's doing all that shit now, is not Camilla. I am the real Camilla." She said.

"Stay here and don't move." I say as i walk out of the bedroom. "YALL GET UP! YOU MIGHT WANNA SEE THIS!" I say while jumping on the bed.

"Ugh sit your stupid ass down and go back to sleep." Roshaun moaned.

"Dead ass! I'm serious come on!" Everyone slowly but surely got up and went to the bedroom.

"Ewww the fuck is that smell!? Somebody breath BANGING." Avani said while stretching.

"Roberts." Kairi said.

"I didn't even say anything!" Robert yelled.

"Who the fuck are you?" Alejandro asked.

"I am the real Camilla. How many times do i have to say that?" She said while walking closer to us, making us all scoot back. "Chill. I'm not gonna do anything. And if i was, i would've already did it."

"What the fuck are y'all doing- CAMILLA!?" Elena yelled.

"YES! OMG! The real one, if you didn't already fucking know." She said.

"I'm so confused right now i don't know what to think." Mattia says.

"Okay i will explain EVERYTHING. So"-

"Who is that. Camilla!?" Yareli questioned while walking in.

"Shut up!" Everyone yelled.

"Okay anyway, we were twins separated at birth and she was put in an adoption center while i went with our dad. The only reason we were separated is because after our mom died when she had us, my dad couldn't afford to take care of both of us. I never talked about her. EVER. Then one day i met Mattia and i liked him a lot. But i guess "Camilla" came back because she was jealous of me and Mattia and it effected Demi and everyone else. And then she killed me. Or so she thought she did. And now i'm here to help y'all because i really want to kill her." She explained.

"I'm still confused on how she knew you and Mattia were a thing?" Alejandro said.

"We were never a thing. We were talking and"-

"Hold on, we were never talking." Mattia said.

"What are you lying for? Didn't we almost fuck?" Camilla said.


"We honestly didn't need to know that." I said bluntly.

"Wait so if your Camilla, what's her name?" Kairi asked.

"Cadence." She said while walking closer to us, making us step back again. "Stop! I'm not gonna do anything!" She yelled.

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