S1. E.7

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Three Lines

Laikyn's POV

"Is she dead?" Kairi said as his eyes filled with tears.

Nobody said anything we all just stood there.

"What's wrong with your best friend, sissy?" Emiliano asked.

"Sh-she's dead, bubba." I said choking back tears.

Her body was sitting there lifeless, with the letter C carved in her arm.

"Cadence did this stupid ass shit and took the love of my life away. We have to find her and Demi and kill them." Kairi said while wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

1 week later

Cynthia's POV

I had to kill her. I'll kill all of them. Because Camilla says so.

Demi's POV

"Okay so the party is in like 5 days and i heard that Elena and her little "crew" are gonna be there." Camilla said.

"How'd you figure that out?" I ask.

"Cynthia. She told me. Also, she's not working for them, she's working for us now." Camilla says while smiling.

"Is she now? How'd that come up?" I asked.

"Oh because she likes Mattia and hates that Laikyn girl so we might just kill Laikyn and all be with Mattia." She says.

"Right." I say while nervously laughing.

"I need you to work on manipulating the electricity because when we go to the party, we'll make the lights go out and kidnap Laikyn." Camilla says, grabbing my hand and taking me to the basement. "So, try to make all of these lights go out." She points to the ceiling with hanging lights.

"I can't make all of these lights go out! That's way too many." I complained.

"Well imagine how it's gonna be at the party. So try." She said while shoving me.

"Okay." I close my eyes and thought about what i hated the most. Camilla said that worked the best if i wanted my powers to really work. I kept thinking harder and harder but nothing was working. "Ugh! Camilla it's not working!" I opened my eyes and saw that the room was dark.

"Yayyyy! You did it, now turn them back on." She says enthusiastically. I closed my eyes again, thinking about Camilla because i really hate her, then i opened my eyes and the lights were back on again.

"Oh my gosh! You're better than usual! What're you thinking about?" She asked.

"Oh uhm, Laikyn. I really hate her." I said lying.

"Good choice, now i'll be back i have to go kill some more people." Camilla said while leaving the room. I need to meet up with Laikyn. Now.

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