S1. E.9

784 21 3

Three Lines

Laikyn's POV

It was the night of the party and everyone was so excited. It wasn't like anything was really gonna happen.

"Okay so Camilla is staying and Demi is going, right? Just in case something happens?" I ask.

"Yea but she better not be lying." Elena said

Cadence's POV

"So you're telling me she switched sides !?" I yelled.

"Yea pretty much. And i think they're gonna try to kill you." Cynthia said.

I scoff. "That's funny. No one can kill me. Unless, we kill them first." I say.

"Well the party is tonight. We can do it there." Cynthia said.

"Well we don't have Demi anymore so how are we supposed to cut off the power?" I say thinking. I get an idea as i look at Cynthia.

oh yeah. she's the one.

Laikyn's POV

We all get into the car and drive to the party. It wasn't that far away, and i expected it to be farther.

"Okay we are here. The rules are, do not drink, do not fuck, and trust NO ONE." Elena said sternly.

"Why can't we drink?" Roshaun asked.

"Because the drinks could be poison." Yareli said.

"Why can't we fuck?" Avani asks.

"That looks bad on our group. And me!" Elena says.

"Okay, why can't we trust anybody?" Alvaro asked, making everybody look at him.

"Did this man really ask that question?" Yareli said with a what the fuck face.

"I'm not even gonna answer the dumbass question but go have fun everyone." Elena said.

Everyone dispersed and didn't follow the rules of what Elena said. Eh. I didn't expect them to listen to her anyways. I went to sit on the couch and watch people walk around.

"So... what do you think about all of this? Crazy right." Mattia said while sitting next to me.

"I mean, I guess. But it was destined to happen right? And it brought all of us together so i guess that's kind of good." I said while fiddling with the decor on the table in front of me.

Next thing I know all the lights cut off. Here we fucking go. Everyone started screaming and running around.

"How'd that even happen? Demi would have never done that. Unless..." I stopped.

"Cynthia." Mattia said.

"We have to find everyone to prevent anyone from dying"- I said before getting cut off when someone grabbed my wrist.

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