S1. E.2

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Three Lines

Demi's POV

"Okay so basically this is what you're gonna do so we can get everything started. You have to go find the girl and befriend her so we can get intel on what's happening with Mattia right now." Camilla states the plan that we have to find the last girl.

"Okay so you want me to go when?" I say.

"Today." Shes smiles evilly as we laugh.

Laikyn's POV

"Ight so what's the move today?" I really wanted to go somewhere because i was bored and we haven't did ANYTHING for spring break yet. (a/n act the corona doesn't exist)

"To be honest, i don't know. I'm guessing we could like hang out one day like we're already doing, go to the mall, maybe the movies, the beach." Kairi says.

"Yea maybe but Laikyn can't go." Alejandro says.

"Wait what the fuck, why? Why the fuck is it always me that has to sit things out?" I protest.

"Because i don't want anything to happen to you. You wouldn't understand. And if i told you, you wouldn't believe me" He says while on his phone.

"Ugh! Just because of some stupid shit that happened in the past prevented me from going places and being a teenager!? Really? That's fucking dumb." I yell.

"Well i'm just trying to keep you safe, Laikyn! I love you and i don't want anything to happen to you even if that means making you sit out on certain things." At this point we were arguing and Kairi and Mattia were staring at us.

"It's all Mattia's fault that day he showed up out of no where and now he's just randomly living with us now!"

Alejandro goes quiet as i stand up with tears in my eyes.

"Hey it's not my fault that- you know what, never mind."  Mattia walks out of the kitchen and goes upstairs.

"Why can't y'all just tell me! It's not like anything bad is gonna happen."

"But something bad will happen. Now, are we done?" Alejandro asks.

"Yea whatever."

I walk out of the door to cool off after a heated ass argument that shouldn't have happened. I don't know why Alejandro is like that. If what happened was so bad the fuck he let Mattia in for?


I decided to walk for a little bit to take in some fresh air while it lasted when this random girl walked up to me.

"Hey uhm, i'm new around here and i'm looking for some friends." She says while smiling.

"Hi! My name is Laikyn and we could be friends." I smile at her and she hooked ours arms together.

"Well, I'm Desiree but my friends call me Demi." Her eyes twitched. Weird.

"Why do they call you Demi?" I question.

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