S1. E.4

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Three Lines

Laikyn's POV

"And why are you here?" I ask while crossing my arms.

"Bitch. I just told you this shit! I'm here to tell you everything you need to know about Mattia because it's gotten worse." She said while walking in.

"Aye wassup Alvaro, Mattia! How y'all been?" She said while walking over to them.

She sits in between them and props her feet up on the table.

"Oh hell no little bit you're gonna have to get up." Avani says while sitting her drink down.

"No. I'm about to tell Laikyn here what Alejandro has been hiding for 7 months." She says while taking Avani's drink.

"Oooo. I like her. Tell us more." Avani's says while sitting on the table.

"How about we don't tell her?" Alejandro says as he pulls her up by the arm.

"No nigga (a/n; I AM BLACK STFU) she's finna tell us the sketchy shit that's happening."
Roshaun says.

Then there was another knock at the door.

"SHIT! Y'all wasted time now they're here!" Elena said while getting up.

"Who's here?" Everybody said in sync.

"Camilla and Demi!" She said while walking into the kitchen grabbing a knife.

"Demi? She's my friend she wouldn't hurt anyone!" I said while following her into the kitchen.

"You met Demi!?" Mattia and Alejandro said in sync.

"I'm so lost right now what's going on?" Eden said while throwing her hands up in the air.

"Right i'm deadass confused." Roshaun whined .

"Ugh! Okay so i'm gonna sum all of this up since we don't have much time. Okay so Mattia dated this girl named Demi and everything was peaches and cream until a hoe named Camilla came along and sketchy shit happened because she wanted Mattia to herself so she mind controlled all of y'all including me and made Demi, my sister crazy as fuck and sent her to a mental hospital to realize that she wanted to kill Mattia after Mattia told her all about Camillas plan because the bitch is crazy and Alejandro doesn't want you to date Mattia because Camilla and Demi are trying to find the last girl which is you so they can kill Mattia for playing you guys." She said as she sighed.

Everybody was all of a sudden quiet and i stood there in shock.

"WELL DAMN!" Avani yelled.

"Wait so i cant date Mattia because if i do something bad will happen and i'll be mind controlled and want to kill him?" I questioned.

"Yep." Elena said while sharpening her knife.

"Why'd you tell her, Elena! Now we're fucked!" Mattia complained.

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