S1. E.8

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Three Lines

Laikyn's POV

I woke earlier than everyone else to go meet up with Demi for some odd reason when someone started talking to me. 

"Where are you going this early?" It was Mattia.

"Um for a walk? Obviously." I say while putting on my shoes.

"Right. Be careful please." He said while laying back down.

I grabbed a knife just in case something fishy was happening. I began to walk through the woods trying to find the tree with the orange sign. I was really scared on what was gonna happen because i had no back up. I found the tree with the sign but there was someone standing right there.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"It's me Demi." She spoke.

Kairi's POV

I woke up and there was no one else up but Laikyn wasn't there. I got up to look for her but she wasn't anywhere to be found. I walked around the corner and saw Cynthia standing by the bathroom door.

"Uhm the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Waiting for you." She said while smirking.

wait. Didn't Laikyn say Cynthia was gonna kill me? oh fuck.

"I'm just gonna head out of your way if that's fine"-

"No stay. It's your time anyway." Cynthia said while walking closer to me.

3rd Person POV

She put her hands around Kairi's neck and gripped as hard as she could. Kairi tried to grab her hands and scream but he couldn't. Then he stopped struggling. She laid him on the bed and dumped a bottle of pills out onto the bed side table, making it look like his death was a suicide. She took out a pocket knife and carved a C in his arm.

"That should do it. Now, it's Robert's turn." Cynthia said while walking out.

Laikyn's POV

"What do you want? Aren't you and 'Cadence' Trying to kill me and friends?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"No. That's not the plan. It's not the plan for me." She says.

"What do you mean that's not the plan?" I asked, uncrossing my arms.

"Cadence wants to kill all of you and have Mattia for herself. She had me mind controlled the whole time so that i would think i wanted to kill Mattia. The plan is i wanted to kill her before she got to all of you. That is why i'm here. And has people been dying?" She asked.

"Yea why?" I asked.

"It was Kairi's turn. We have to go back to the house." She said while grabbing my arm.

"Wait why? What do you mean it was Kairi's turn?" I said while making her stop.

"Cadence has been telling Cynthia to kill all of you. And we know you've seen how Kairi was gonna die." She said.

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