Chapter 18

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Illiana's P.O.V

Stephen went from one of the most constant thoughts to a distant memory. I genuinely think he was a major thorn on my ass and to be completely honest I didn't mind it, ever since he removed himself from my life it's been a lot easier. No more mental confliction, I realise now that I was completely infatuated with him or at least the thought of him. Now that he's gone I can focus on more important things like. . . School, the play, my best friend and all the extra things I had going on.

I was walking down the hall and I spotted Stephen with Ryder I ducked so they wouldn't see me, I doubt he would have seen me by the way his eyes were fixed on her a bomb could've gone off without him realizing. I felt jealous, I'm not going to lie.

I stormed up to him grabbed him by the wrist.

"So this is why? You saw I was getting in the way of your romantic life so you cut me off? Well it's fine you and all you're thirsty hoes can choke on each other's toungs and die!" I screamed.

At least that's what I wanted to do. Instead I walked the opposite direction, at this point I was bitter, I didn't want to cry any more I wanted him to pay. I wanted him to pay for all these sad emotions I wanted to hurt him too, but deep down I knew it would only hurt me more. I walked trying to figure out my thoughts, trying to figure out why, trying to kill this feeling I had. I know one thing, I really didn't want to feel, what's the point of having a heart if all it does it feel pain?

My vision blurred here came all the emotions I've been dialing down. No all I wanted to do was find a place where Stephen didn't exist. I can except him dating someone else, I understand if he doesn't love me, what I don't understand is why leave me completely alone without a second thought.

"You're the problem. . .you've always been the problem that's why my family doesn't want to spend time with you" I remembered his words.

Am I really the problem?

No relationship of mine seems to last other then my friendship with Shay. I doubt Shay could have any other friends with that spicey attitude. I love her cause she's loyal, transparent, even though I haven't given her the praises she deserves.

I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, I had paint all over them. Then went to lunch.

"Hey, Kyle invited us to the Great Big Bang" Shay said.

"So?" I asked.

"Dude! This is the biggest party. . . It's a so big people begged for it to be quarterly! WE GOT A WHOLE INVITE" Shay freaked.

"'Okay. . . And?" I asked Not understanding her point.

"Ever since Stephen, you went back to being a bore" she said.

"Dude The fuck!?" I asked.

"I'm just being honest, I get what he did was fucked up but doesn't mean cause he ghosted you have to be a bore." She said

"Fine we'll go. . .when is it?" I asked.

"When is it! It's in two weeks we need to get our outfits" she said.

"Fine we'll go on friday, I'm booked during the the week." I said.

"Anyway I wanted to tell you something about Steph." She said.

"What about his new girlfriend? Listen I don't care matter fact Whatever just stop talking about him. I don't want to here a single word about him" I shut her down.

"Okay. . .it's just he. . ." She said before I cut her off.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK SHAY!!!" I slightly screamed.

She kept quiet and shook her head. Stephen left, there's no point of reminiscing about people who left. Crap he's probably going to be there (At the GBB). My stomach turned just thinking about it. Why did I say yes. . . Every cell in my body told me stay home that night. But I couldn't let Shay go alone either.

Saturday is the opening night. I'm kinda freaked out. I hope everything is perfect. I was so excited. As I was thinking of the play Corey walked up to me with puffy red eyes.

"Hi... Illiana, , , I can't be here on Saturday." She said.

I felt like I was choking on air.

"Wait why?" I decided to ask before going ham.

"It's my grandmother's funeral" she said.

"I'm sorry for your loss" I said.

I couldn't go ham on her. I just had to figure out what to do, cause her understudy isn't half as talented as she is. Corey managed to add the emotion I need to Andrea. What am I going to do?

"I'm really sorry" she said.

"You don't have anything to apologize for" I said.

"I see what Stephen meant" Corey said then she gave me a big hug.

Stephen. . .Stephen. . .STEPHEN! Why is everyone talking about that. . . That HOE!

I'm sick of it I'm sick of him.

"Not to be rude but I really don't care about Stephen or what he might have told you. . . I just hope you know if you need someone to talk to about your loss I'm all ears but Stephen will not be a topic if I'm part of the conversation" I stated.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to. . ." She started.

"It's okay just focus on yourself and what you're going through" I suggested.

I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach I can't believe that my lead won't be here on opening night. Like what the fuck am I going to do  her understudy doesn't even care to say a complete line with any emotion. I am beyond fucked, I swear if I don't get if Ellie doesn't pick up her feet I'm going to have to do it myself. I felt sick just thinking about.

Then I saw Ramen walking toward me. He seemed pale. No No Nooo!

He was about to say something but then all of a sudden boom my close were drenched in warm Is vomit the smell came in later. I felt like I was about vomit my but I got composure.

I kept quiet turned around, I walked straight out of school jumped in my car and drove home. I told a long shower, quickly got dressed and went back to school. Two. . . Two'! TWO!!!!! Two of my main characters down. How could this be?

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