If they had a tiktok

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Lucifer: no, I don't use that dumb app
Lucifer:*watches Diavolo on TikTok being cute
Mammon: *watches TikTok religiously *

Mammon: *posts stupid prank videos on his brothers*
Levi: *has a cosplay acc*

Levi: *cries in the corner since some cosplayers are better than him*
Satan: *binge watches cat videos on TikTok *

That's all he does
Asmo: *does  thirsty videos, and does all the TikTok dances*

So many thirst follows
Beel:*watches cooking tiktoks *

He hungy
Beel: hay MC can you make me this human food *shows TikTok video*
Belphie:*there for the memes*

Belphie:*posts sleepy boi content*
Diavolo: *films "pranks" on barbatos *

Diavolo:*also does stupid trends that he found cute and or funny*
Barbatos:*is just there to observe Diavolo's videos*
Simeon: *watches art videos*
Solomon:*king of witchtok*

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