I am not drunk

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Pan:*pours champagne into a tall wine glass and adds blue Gatorade and takes a sip*

Pan: I'm a classy man......man this shit hits different

Lucifer: pan did you drink an entire half of the champagne again?

Pan:*panics and chugs the whole glass* NO!

Lucifer: oh no, pan! Not again!!

Pan: oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. My head feelz fuzzy

Beel: *walks into the kitchen* ... is pan drunk again?

Lucifer: yes

Pan: no

Beel: I'll take him to my room so he can sleep

Lucifer: good we don't want a repeat of last time

Pan: but last time was fuuuuun

Beel: pan, honey, you almost got snapped in half because you tried to climb out the window

Pan: you're just saying that because I'm at twinky mother fuccer

Beel:*picks up pan* it's nap time

Pan:only if I get cuddles from you and Belphie you teddy bear

Beel: okay
*beel and pan have leaft the —chat— kitchen*

Lucifer:......damn it

Lucifer:*takes the bottle of champagne and chugs it*

Lucifer: I need a fucking break from that human

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