Chapter 9 Be Your Everything

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Chapter Song: Be your everything by Boys Like Girls

I'm halfway through my shift when Will comes in and sits in my section. Mariah walks over towards me.

"You want me to get it or will you be fine?" I sigh and shake my head.

"I'll take care of him. Your mom will freak if I give another table to you." She laughs and puts in an order. I sigh and walk over towards Will's table.

"Hi my name's Nova and I'll be your server today. What can I get you started with?"

"Nova we really need to talk."

"Sir that's not a drink." I say straight faced, not changed my face.

"I'll have a coke with a burger and fries." I nod and walk away from him.

"Please Nova." He says as I'm already gone.

"Are you sure that you've got this one? I think my mom would understand that you guys are fighting." I shake my head in response.

"I can't loose another table Mariah. I'm just going to suck it up aand pretend he's a regular customer, and that I don't know him." I put in his order and hang this slip.

"So I heard Zeke is back." I nod.

"We went to Andrew's and talked yesterday. He knows about all the shit that happened when he left. Sadly he thinks that everything can just go straight back to normal from what happened. I wanted to believe that we could, but it's impossible. We are never going to be what we used to be. I don't think I'll ever be able to love him like I used to. We've grown so far apart that it's impossible for me to think that we'll get back to that. I went to the mall yesterday, and met a guy that's in the Army. His name is Conrad, and he just got home from Iraq. We hung out all last night, and for once it was just strange how fun I had with him. Like we just clicked." She laughed and holds up a finger. I fill up a coke and place it on Wills' table. He immediatly grabs my arm, but I pull away from him. My mom's right on how we need space and I'm one hundred percent that she told him, but he's not listening. I take care of a few more customers before Will's food is ready. I take his food to the stable straight faced, and not willing to back down.

"Do you need anything else?"

"You to talk to me? I feel quilty enough." 

"I'll come and check up on you later."  I walk away and see the time has turned to 8:30.

"Mariah I'm taking my break now. Come outside if you need me." She nods and goes to help someone and finish with Will. I go into the break room where I see Tony on his phone. He and I don't get along anymore because he tries to leave early every time and wants me to cover his closing shifts all the time, and then clock him out when I leave. He's pathetic, and I told Gina to fire him. Instead she gave him another chance.

"Nova, can you cover the rest of the shift for me? I need to leave?" 

"Are you kidding me right now? There is three of us tonight Tony. You can't leave us, because there will be no way that we can get everything done."

"Does it look like I care?" I roll my eyes, and he gets up and walks out of the room.

"Tony!" I grab my phone and call Gina.

"What's wrong doll?"

"Tony left again, and we're in a rush. So I'm letting you know that I'm calling Wes to come in and help us."

"Go for it. I'll call him and tell him not to come back." 

"Thank you." I hang up and call Wes. Thankfully he says he'll be there in five and is able to help us finish. I'm finally able to take a smoke break at 10:00. I see a familiar truck pull into the parking lot, and see Conrad come out.

"Hey babe!" He's followed by a tall 6'4 bald guy dressed in uniform that I think was at the party. He gives me a huge hug.

"How's work?" 

"Very long. Gina fired Tony tonight so it's been very hectic." He nods.

"You remember Travis right?" I nod with a smile.

"Let me just finish this and then I'll be able to help you guys." They both nod and talk about some guy that came in to enlist, but wasn't able to. I crush my cigarette and we head inside.

"So what can I get you guys started with?"

"Two Miller Lite's and your famous pancakes. Pretty please." He says with a major smile.

"What sides?" He looks at Travis and they both nod.

"Bacon for both."

"I'll go put these in for you and then I'll be back with your drinks." I walk up to Mariah while she's putting in her orders.

"Conrad's here."

"Where?" I point to him and she gasps.

"He's hot! What's his friend's name? I'm definetly single!!" I laugh and hang my order.

"I'll let him know." I grab two beers from the cooler and walk towards the table.

"Here you guys go, and Mariah told me to ask if you were single because she's interested." Conrad laughs.

"His girlfriend is in the Air Force and she's stationed in South Korea, but I can ask around from my platoon. Most of them are married and starting to have kids, well except us. He's going to propose to Aleeah when she gets home next month." I laugh.

"Well good for you Travis. I'm pretty sure Mariah will find someone knew tomorrow." I walk over towards her and she's making someone's coffee.

"Sorry but he's proposing to his girlfriend when she gets home from South Korea. Conrad said he'll try to set you up."

"Damn well alright. Good thing I didn't go up to him and start flirting with him." She walks away, so I grab the pancakes and take them to the table.

"Do you guys need anything else?" They both shake their heads and dig in. I take care of the rest of my customers before going back to their table.

"Here's your receipt and then come up to the register when you're ready to pay." I smile and go into the breakroom. Thankfully there's only a half and hour before my shift is over.

"Nova? Conrad wants you." I hear Mariah yell from the front of the hallway, and I come out and see them standing there.


"I need a hug babe." I laugh and go around the desk to hug him.

"I'll talk to you when I get done okay?" He nods.

"Nice seeing you Travis, and if you need help with the whole proposing thing let me know." He nods.

"I'll let Conrad know, but I want you to meet her when she gets home."

"Okay well thanks for coming guys." They walk out, leaving Mariah, Wes and I with our cleaning list.


Hey babes!

So Conrad ;) ;) Sorry that this chapter isn't as long as the others, but hopefully I'll be able to update on friday too! Everyone still love Conrad?! I know that I do! If he was literally a real person, I'd marry him! Anyways, how has everyone's week been? Comment on what you think about the chapter, because you guys have been absolutely amazing with your comments and votes!

Love you xo


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