Chapter 14 Little Things

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Chapter Song: Little Things- One Direction

One Week later:

It's nine at night and Conrad and I are laying on the beach looking at the stars. He turns and looks over to me

"What're you thinking about?"

"Us. I don't know, it's only been three weeks and I already like you, like a lot. I'm just scared that you're going to turn out a lot like Zeke did." He turns over on his side facing me and says,

"Look at me Nova" I turn my head to look at his brown eyes.

"I know I'm not the perfect guy I've got a past just like you do. I'm not going any where, okay? I know it's only been a few weeks that we've been together, but there's something about you that I can't get enough of you're on my mind all day and I'm always thinking about what you're doing, and if you're thinking about me too. I knew that day that I walked up to you at the mall that there was something special. It's going to be hard, but I think that we can do it. I'm going to be gone a lot, but it'll be okay. We'll get through the distance, and make it in the end. I want us to be together and make it through everything. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world. We're never going to be perfect, but I can promis you that I'm going to try my hardest to make you happy. So will you let me?" I smile and wrap my arms around him and whisper,



Since we started dating, Conrad has taken me out a lot, but we mostly just stay at my house and watch movies. We decided that taking it slow for right now would be the best idea. Will's stayed away from me since the incident with Zeke. I haven't heard from Zeke since, but I heard that he went back to rehab. Piper and Dustin got together, and we're going on a double date with them tonight. I got a letter from my dad a few days ago indicating that he'll be coming home soon.

"Babe! Are you almost ready?" I'm starving, and I need to eat." We're at Conrad's house getting ready to go to Olive Garden. Piper and Dustin are meeting us at 8:30, since I got done with work at seven.

"Would you stop complaining. I've been in here for only a half and hour!"

"You look beautiful in anything, now can we go?" He yells up the stairs.

"I don't know which one to wear!" I yell back at him.

"Are you decent so I can pick one?"

"Uhm.." I look down and I'm in a black lace bra and underwear.

"If you want to you can."

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah." I nod, even though I know he's not in here. I set the two outfits on his bed and turn around to see his eyes glued to me. They roam up and down before going to the outfits on my bed. I blush and turn to look at them as well.

"This one." He holds up the long sleeve white top and a nude color skirt. I nod and reach to grab them, but before I can his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me to him. I feel him press gentle kisses on my shoulder and then he moves my hair to the other side to get access to my neck. I close my eyes and just melt into him.

"You sure you don't want to just stay here? I'll gladly have food here instead." The blush returns to my cheeks and I turn around to face him.

"We promised her." I wrap my arms around his necks and run my hands over his buzz cut hair.

"You think she'd approve of a rain check?" He presses little kisses all over my face until he meets my lips.

"I'm concidering it." I whisper. He presses his lips to meet mine and and his hands move to cup my cheeks.

"So there's a way that I can change your mind?" He whispers against my lips. I nod in response and eagerly press my lips back against his. His hands move down to wrap around my waist and he pushes me until I'm against his bedroom door.

"I think Piper can understand." He nods and his hands move to cup my thighs and picks me ups.

"Fuck Nova." He whispers and moves to kissing my neck when my phone rings. He walks us over to his bed and throws me down to answer it.


"Hey we're on our way. So if you gusy want to leave soon, we'll meet you there!"

"Alright. Conrad's just finishing getting ready and then we'll leave."

"See you there!" I hang up and see him pouting.

"You're kidding me!" I hold my hand up and he pulls me up to him.

"Now what am I supposed to do with this?" My eyes widen and I giggle as he walks away.

"I'm going to guess that you're not going to help me with it either." I shake my head and throw the shirt over my head. He groans and goes to the bathroom. I laugh to myself and finish getting dressed. After a few minutes he emerges from the bathroom.

"You ready?" He chuckles and nods.

"Not fair Nova."

"Never said it was." We both walk out and he drives us to Olive Garden.

"So what's her boyfriend like?" I shrug.

"I've never really met him, so I guess it's a first for me too. She tells me that she loves him, but I think she's just caught up in him right now."

"How can you tell?"

"They're still in the honeymoon stage, and I think she's missing the big picture in all of this."

"What's that?" I sigh,

"She's had her heart broken way too many times, and I don't want it to happen to her again. I love her for being there for me and all, but she moves too fast and then gets her heart broken." He nods.

"Well aren't we still in that honeymoon faze?" I laugh and hold his hand.

"I think we're more mature then them." Conrad pulls into the already packed parking lot. We walk in and the hostess points us to the table where they're talking.

"Hey guys!" She turns around and faces me with a big smile.

"Hey! Go on and sit, we're starving!"

"Me too." Conrad grumbles. Dustin reaches his hand across the table to introduce himself, and then Conrad does the same. We talk for a few hours while Conrad devowers a pizza. After ten-thirty we part ways.



Hola!!!!! Sorry that it took me a little bt longer than usual to update! Anyways, nothing all that new here! My mom liked him though!! So I'm really happy! I think that's it!

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