Chapter 6- The Land of Darkness

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Siluetta's eyes were still closed when she hit the hard ground. She opened her eyes but found she was lying on her back and couldn't see anything. Her back and shoulders were throbbing with pain and she could feel a large lump on her head. She struggled to lift herself up on one elbow, and when she was done, she saw Edwin beside her, struggling to lift his bruised body up. Nia had managed to stay in the air and was hovering just above the ground.

Looking at her surroundings, Siluetta saw that they were in a barren, almost lifeless place. The grass was thin and brown, and no trees grew except for some scraggly shrubs. The sky was grey and overcast, as if it was about to rain. In the distance, craggy cliffs towered, and nestled amongst them was a sinister- looking black castle, tall turrets reaching for the sky. Just looking at it sent a shiver down Siluetta's spine.

"Wh... where are we?" Nia asked, her voice trembling and thin.

The magic book was lying on the ground, and just then its pages fluttered and it fell open. Siluetta saw that there was writing in it, and, after she had managed to heave her body into sitting position, she reached for it and began to read. Edwin shuffled over to see, and Nia flew up and perched on Siluetta's shoulder so that she could read it too. 

So silly me, I should have known you were not ready. Now I have failed, and you will have to find your way back.

The companions looked at each other in confusion. "Come on, book," said Edwin. "Tell us where we are!" The words on the page shimmered and changed.

  The Land of Darkness. It is a terrible place of hatred and evil. Trust no one. Even those who seem friendly at first are your enemy.

These words sent fresh shivers down Siluetta's spine. She looked down at the book. More words were coming.

But perhaps it is all for the best. Here you will meet friends who will accompany you on your journey back to the light.

Edwin had a puzzled look on his face. "But if everyone here is our enemy," he said. "Then how can we meet friends here?"

The words changed. The book was answering his question. 

You shall see. 

This answer left Edwin looking even more puzzled than before. Siluetta felt puzzled, too. In what it had said, the book had contradicted itself. 

She looked up at the sky. Three birds were flying towards them from the direction of the towering cliffs. Siluetta watched them as they came closer and closer. Soon she could see that they had an odd shape to them, and probably weren't birds at all. She continued to watch them, and they seemed to be flying very quickly, and getting quicker and quicker by the second. 

Now they were metres away from them, and Siluetta could plainly see that they certainly weren't birds. They were hideous flying creatures, pitch black with spiny bodies, crooked wings and sharp, deadly claws. Their hard eyes glinted wickedly in the sunlight, and they were fixed on the three companions. They were coming for them.

"Look out!" shouted Siluetta. 

But it was too late. Now they were upon them. They descended down and snatched up Siluetta, Edwin and Nia. The next moment, they were up in the air. Siluetta flailed helplessly as the icy cold air whooshed past her, the ground beneath her becoming a blur as they passed over it at an incredible speed, and they were still getting faster. Looking ahead of her, Siluetta's stomach dropped out as she realized where they were headed. They were headed for the castle on the cliff. 

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