Chapter 4 - Failed attempt to escape

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Yen's POV

This is nothing like how I imagined meeting them would be like. I never expected them to be there when Nancy would pick me up from the airport.

I wasn't supposed to meet them until the tour. But things apparently change. What Damien said really hurt me. He really thought every worst thing of me without even getting to know me. I thought he's better than that, but someone or something from the back of my mind is telling me to give him a chance.

I sat on a bench in the middle of a parking lot. Looking at the clouds bump with each other. I want to start over again with him. I do like him, but if he doesn't, I'm gonna have to respect that. I can't force someone to do something they're very uncomfortable with. Removing the beanie from my head, I got my phone out. I saw a message from Nancy, asking me where I am. I couldn't even bother to reply.

Damien's forgetting the purpose I'm here. I'm here for Nancy, to spend time with her not meddle with her work knowing that she's working for them. I'm not using Nancy to get close to them. That's very shallow thinking.

I felt a vibrate coming from my hands. I looked up to see my phone with an unknown number calling. I hesitantly answered, knowing too damn well Damien might have gotten my number from Nancy. But I just want this vacation to end. I answered the call but couldn't find the right words to say. I started tearing up when I surprisingly heard a voice I least expected. Shayne. A series of hellos he said, calling me by my name but I got scared to speak up that I started crying. I tried composing myself for a few seconds, making sure to get the air I need.

"Hello?" I then said. "Ah. Thank God you're okay. We were all so scared where you'd wander off. Where are you right now?" Sniffling got in the way for me of talking.

"I'm sorry, I sound disgusting right now. I'm at a bench somewhere in this lot." That really isn't helpful but I just need some more time to myself.

"Okay, uhm would you mind telling me what you see?" I looked around and notice the surrounding. I took a deep breath and told him, "I'm facing away from the airport, I'm infront of this fence, I see a glimpse of Mcdonald's on my right and have a signboard on my left that says P8." Very descriptive, I might say. Kudos for saying that straight. "Okay, just stay there. We're on our way." Shayne said before dropping the call.

I closed my eyes and breathe in the air. I need to calm down. I heard a faint pant on my back. As I hear someone call me, a very familiar voice. A voice I've been trying to escape from. I looked behind to see him looking all over for me as he shouts my name. A part of me was kinda relieved he found me, not technically since he hasn't seen me yet but I'm not ready to face him now.

I then tried escaping from his gaze again but I dropped my backpack on my foot that left an ear-screeching reaction. His gaze focused on the shriek and found me on the floor, holding my foot.

"Yen, Thank God I found you. I've been looking for you for hours now. You got me worried." he said. It's been 15 minutes but go off.

I refused to look at him because I know when I do I'd end up breaking down. I'm too vulnerable right now and am in so much pain, the last thing I want to happen is get scolded from the person that won't let this pain away. He sat me down to the bench, making me extend my leg to his lap. Thank you leggings. He removed my shoe and met with my Spirited away socks. He then smiled at it. He looked at me very intensely and started circling my feet. This isn't the most romantic place nor scenario ever, if I'm being honest.

I looked at him back as I start to blush of embarassment. "I'm okay now." I said, putting my foot back on the ground. I tuck a hair in the back of my ear as I put on my shoe back. I can feel the piercing stare by the hazel-eyed boy beside me. I look back at the sky and sighed deeply. Both keeping our distance, he said something, breaking the tension.

"Yen, I'm really sorry for being such an asshole to you. I swear, I'm never like this to anyone." I close my eyes and felt myself bursting in tears. "But why me?" I squeaked in. I look up at him as tears pour from my eyes. "I don't know, I got scared." he said. "You're scared of me?" I asked. "I'm fucking scared of liking you." he confessed. I was shocked with what he said.

Our faces totally red right now. I sighed. As I open my eyes, I saw Damien wiping some tears from his eyes. My eyes widen and immediately I consoled him. I sat closer to him and lifted his face with my hand. There I saw the broken man in front of me scared of catching feelings for me. I was very flattered, if I'm being honest.

"Hey. I found out about the setting up thing." I started. He looked up at me, waiting for me to finish what I'm about to say.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. I told Nancy I'm not in for it. I don't like being set up with someone either, they give me more anxieties. I want to meet the person I want to date first-hand. I want to make the move, I want to do it when I'm ready emotionally. I'm with you in this. But there's no need to swat me away. I came here for one reason and one reason only. For Nancy." I smiled. I can see him smiling as well, at least that released the weight that has been on my chest.

"I'm really sorry for being such a dick to you. I never intended it. It's just that these figurative walls immediately lock up when I feel soft. And I do gotta admit you are very attractive..." he said, causing me to blush. "but I still yet to know you." I smiled. "I appreciate your honesty. And I do feel the same. There's more to you than just a cat dad of smosh. And I would love to get to know you more." I said chuckling.

He looked at me, eye to eye. I can feel my soul burning, I got lost in his eyes, and my heart then started beating faster than usual. I can feel him sitting closer to me as he cup my face, observing each feature there is to see, I feel flattered but his gaze made me feel so insecure. I turn to my side and got my bag. "Rough start, huh?" I said. he chuckled but kept his gaze on me, resting his head on his arm. I looked at him and I can't help but notice his adorable behavior. I can't stay mad at him, I have 2 more weeks to get to know him.

Damien's POV

I meant everything I said. She's honest and genuine and unlike any other woman I've met. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and truthfully I find it more attractive. I observed her more close. "Yen," I said. "Let me make it up to you, please?" I plead. She showed me a smile and nodded. I was just scared, but I'm done being scared. Fear pushed me away and it came to a point where I already hurt someone.

Shayne was right, there's nothing wrong with being open minded, it's not like I'm already asking her hand in marriage, but I am dating to settle, not have fun temporarily. Like anyone out there, I want to have a family of my own, watching a mini version of me playing while being with the love of my life. For some reason, I can see Yen as someone who would take the offer.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, I'm gonna focus on making it up to her while at the same time getting to know her, genuinely, without my thoughts breaking every beautiful detail of her.

As if on cue, bright yellow headlights are seen from a distance. There I saw the familiar car we rode to the airport. I told Yen to get her things because the guys have found us! Nancy got out of the door immediately and hugged Yen. "Are you okay? How did you two end up here?" She asked. Yen looked at me and we started chuckling. "Long story.  Come on, let's have dinner." Sge said, getting her backpack. I followed behind her as I saw the white beanie still on the bench. I took it and made my way to the car.

Once I settled on where to sit, I immediately gave Yen her beanie back. "You almost left this out there." I said smiling. "Thank you." she said as she put it in her bag.

We looked ahead of us to see Shayne and Nancy giving us very cheesy smiles, "So, where to?" Shayne asked.

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