Chapter 5 - Getting There

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Yen's POV

We arrived at In-n-Out 'cause it's been a while since I've had burgers, and this girl LOVES burgers!!! Instead of dining in, we've decided to eat in the car, since it's late and the guys have work tomorrow. During the whole ride, We got to know a little more about ourselves, found out some similarities as well as new fascinating facts about each other. It's great to be a part of a small group with these guys. We exchanged numbers, so it would be easier to communicate without bugging other people.

It turns out, Shayne and I are quite similar. We both unfortunately almost died at a very young age,  both love the ocean, both live alone, have the most absurd sense of humor,  and similar taste in fashion and music. The only different thing we have is that he's definitely happy with what he's doing.

I slouched back at my seat, patting my belly. "You good now?" I said, talking to myself. I look beside me to see Damien smiling at me. I definitely looked stupid. "Sorry you had to see that." I said, smiling awkwardly. "Nonsense, I find it adorable." he commented which caught the attention of everyone in the car. I started to blush and saw Nancy through the rear view mirror that she was so excited and very happy. I saw Shayne shifting his look from me and Damien. I just laughed it off.

Nancy drove us back to her apartment with the guys on our tails. They offered to help me with carrying my suitcase. We arrived at Nancy's apartment in short notice and it's time for the guys to go home. "How are you guys gonna go home?" I asked. "We're gonna uber from here." Shayne answered. "Thank you guys for this very eventful night." I said giving the two guys a hug. Damien held on a little more than expected. "I'll text you when I get home." he whispered which sent signals all over my body. This man can control my whole system and he has no idea of it. We let go from the hug and they made their way out the apartment.

I closed the door behind me and saw a very excited Nancy. "Ahhh! Tell me everything!" She demanded.

I spilled her every detail there is, apart from the confrontation part, which is the sole reason we end up in that place. I mentioned her that Damien and I have established that no one can meddle into something we might potential work on. She agreed to us. Before going up to the bathroom, "I swear, Yen. You two are made for each other, trust me." I gave her a smile.

That's very unlikely. He's THE Damien Haas. I'm just me. I have like 100 followers in any social media he has thousands, hundred thousands even. I'm basically a nobody, just a friend of his coworker. Where he can have any girl he wants. He's attractive, funny, charming and over all a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

I sighed of the thought. Who am I? I'm too damn lucky to even consider him as a friend. I should just stick to where I am meant to be. "I know that look" I heard Nancy say. I look at her as she went over to me. "Regardless of what you think, do know that in our eyes you are fantastic! You are still the Yen that I knew since college. The humble, bubbly Yen that fights for what she believes in and has no shame to show everyone who she truly is. She doesn't have to fake it, because since the beginning her authenticity made her achieve it." I smiled as Nancy gave me a hug. She's really an amazing friend, and I'm proud to call her as one.

Nancy went to take a shower as I fix my things in the guest bedroom. I opened my bag and deliberately put all my clothes in the closet. 30 minutes of unpacking, I laid on my bed, it's too late and the jet lag is starting to kick in. I grabbed my phone and charged it by the table. I got my laptop out and went to my notes.

I started bulleting out ideas for the story I'm writing. Then a notification was sent to my Laptop. It was a message from my phone. Damien. I smiled and sat up.

Hey. I just got home.
I hope to see you tomorrow!

We'll see then, Good night Mr. Haas!

- Beanie -Where stories live. Discover now