Oihina - Fluff - Movie night anniversary

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Requested by -SaddChild
Warning: don't read if diabetic, this is way too sweet for you guys.
Art is my own

It was nearing the end of afternoon practise.

"DUMBASS! Why are you so terrible at receives!" Roared Kageyama.
Hinata pouted in annoyance, but before he or Suga could speak up in his defence, a voice called from the entrance:

"Tobio-chan, that's no way to talk to a spiker! Especially one that beautiful!"
Turning, the team watched as Oikawa strode in, thumbs in the pockets of his leather jacket, and bearing his usual cocky smirk.
"Tōru!" Hinata smiled wide and Oikawa's heart leapt as it always did at the sight. "Why are you here? You didn't text?"
He bounced over, though was too shy with his team watching to leap into the setters arms like he normally would.

They'd been suspicious and cynical of Oikawa ever since the pair had begun dating, though now, six months in, they were less hostile, even if Daichi and Suga remained protective, and Tanaka and Nishinoya were permanently crackling their knuckles at him when Hinata wasn't looking.

Oikawa smiled softly, "don't you remember what day it is Shouyou? It's out six month anniversary!"
Hinata flushed, glancing away from him, asking nervously "Of course I remembered but Tōru...I thought you didn't do anniversaries?"

Tsukishima made a gagging sound but the couple and the team collectively ignored him.
Oikawa raised his hand and tilted Hinata's chin back towards him, leaning in so he could look deep into those beautiful golden eyes.

"I'll say it every day if I have to, Shouyou, you're very special, and I celebrate every day that goes by that you stay by my side. Of course I don't know how I managed to win you over then, so of course I want to commemorate that day with you."
Hinata chuckled, "you're such a sweet talker, Tōru."
"Only for you." Replied Oikawa warmly, making the shorter teen blush, and Suga and Yamaguchi melt onto the floor at the sheer cuteness. Daichi met Tsukishima's gaze, the pair hated Oikawa, he made them look like awful boyfriends.
Hinata was right though, he'd turned Oikawa into an almost painful romantic over the last year, the grand king was enslaved and his heart stolen by an angel. But he couldn't care less.

Hinata chuckled again bashfully, and turned to give Daichi a pleading look. The Captain smiled and nodded, "enjoy yourselves."
Hinata bounced adorably in his happiness and waved to the team before turning to his boyfriend. He jumped up and gave the setter a gentle kiss on the cheek, before skipping toward the exit.
Oikawa went all shades of red, making the crows laugh, before he took a steadying breath and turned to catch up to the redhead, taking one of the spiker's small hands in his own and intertwining their fingers.

"So, where are you taking me, Tōru?" Asked Hinata, excitedly.
"The cinema." Replied Oikawa with an enigmatic smile, admiring the way Hinata's hair bounced slightly as he walked.
The redhead tilted his head in confusion.
So damn cute.
"But... Tōru... isn't the cinema in the opposite direction?"
"You'll see." Murmured Oikawa, fighting to contain his own excitement.
His parents and siblings had gone on a trip, leaving the house empty, and he'd taken a sick day to set the place up.

"Please, Tōru! Tell me!" Hinata pouted adorably, and if this had been anything else, Oikawa knew he would have caved, but he stole his resolve and shook his head.
"It's a surprise Shouyou! We're nearly there."

He unlocked the door, and led a confused Hinata through into his family home.
"Oooh!" Gasped Hinata, eyes shining and mouth slightly parted in admiration.
Strings of fairy lights lit the darkened hallway, marking a path down to the Oikawa familys' games room. There were also electric candles on the floor and furniture, illuminating their faces in a warm golden glow.

Hinata turned to gaze with pure adoration at his boyfriend. "Tōru... it's beautiful..." he whispered softly.
"You're beautiful." Murmured Oikawa. He would have been ashamed at his cheesiness had he not meant it completely. The warm light from the candles gave Hinata an almost ethereal glow, his hair glided gold and his eyes shining.

Seeing Oikawa gazing at him like that made Hinata's pulse race. He shyly squeezed the setter's hand, which brought Oikawa out of his daze and he smiled.
The taller teen led him down the hallway, and though a corridor, before turning down to head to the games room, which he had spent an embarrassing length of time attempting to convert into a cinema, only to have to give in and call up Iwaizumi to help him.

Hinata gasped in awe at the sight on the room.
The floor was strewn with pillows, blankets and alien plushies with a fort built in the centre from mattresses and what seemed like dozens of fluffy blankets. Fairy lights hung all around the walls and all his favourite snacks were collected in a corner.
He turned, eyes round, to gaze up at a smug Oikawa, "this is wonderful!" He exclaimed, and leapt into Oikawa's arms. "You must have spent all day on this! And here I was doing-"

Hinata stopped himself, but not before Oikawa noticed.
"Doing what, Shouyou?"
Hinata's face went bright red. "Nothing!" He insisted, vigorously shaking his head.
"Shouyou..." warned Oikawa. "If you don't tell me, I'll have no choice but to punish you..."
Hinata's face drained in colour, but he furrowed his brows in determination. Oikawa did an over dramatic sigh, and rolled up his sleeves before diving onto the young male and tickling him until Hinata could barely breathe for giggling.

"I...giggle...give...snort...up!" The redhead wheezed out eventually, and satisfied, Oikawa sat up, determinately memorising how adorable Hinata looked, blushing and teary eyed, panting slightly.
It was erotic certainly, but such a thing barely crossed Oikawa's mind. That was a long time into their future, and he was very content to wait until Shouyou was ready.

Hinata glanced away shyly, and reached for his discarded school bag. He unzipped it and carefully pulled out a large book.
"I... wasn't sure whether you were going to mention it, so I was going to keep working on it until our one year anniversary..." he mumbled bashfully.
Oikawa's eyes widened as he gently took the book and opened it.
It was a scrap book. Of them.
Page after page. Every date, every special moment, captured for prosperity and preserved in the book with a thoroughness and attention to detail, Oikawa had never thought Hinata possessed. There were even dates written neatly too.

"It's brilliant, Shouyou... thank you." He barely knew what to say. No matter how he behaved, he understood far better than the crows how underserving he was of this beautiful ray of sunshine. And he was always certain that Hinata didn't feel as strongly about him as he did about Hinata... but this book...
He hugged it to his chest, and was surprised when he felt tears trickling down his cheeks. "I... I love it."
"Tōru?" Hinata asked hesitantly, then seeing the tears his eyes widened. "Tōru! Don't cry! Why are you upset?"
He leaned forward, so their noses nearly touched, bringing up a hand to wipe the setter's cheek. Before he could, Oikawa had closed the distance and kissed him full on the lips, their first proper kiss.

They didn't end up watching E.T. as Oikawa had planned, more impressively the snacks also went untouched. They just curled up and cuddled in the pillow fort. Just being together was enough for both to be happy, revelling in each other's company.
"I think I love you." Murmured Oikawa, brushing a lock of hair out the way and kissing Hinata's forehead.
The spiker chuckled, leaning up to kiss his nose, "I know I love you."
Oikawa grinned and pulled Hinata closer to his chest, and closing his eyes. He fell asleep to Hinata's even breathing, with a soft smile on his face.

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