Tsukihina - Fluff - Ice cream

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Requested by the lovely AmaiAlexis666

The heat radiated of the pavement in visible waves, the sun high over head and the clouds wisely shifting far over the horizon. Tsukishima would have loved to follow suit, but he'd discovered recently he rather liked the sun. Well, his sun.
Speaking of.

Looking up, he couldn't help smiling slightly at the view. Hinata raced toward him, hair undefeated by the heat and fluffy as ever, donning wonderfully ass hugging shorts and a baggy dinosaur T-shirt like god had just created him for Tsukishima's happiness.

"Kei! Sorry I'm late!"
He swallowed the collection of snarky comments that involuntarily came to mind, and went in for a kiss instead.
Hinata flushed, "Kei we're in public!"
The blond snorted, "and that matters why?"
"I... I thought you didn't like PDA!"
He had indeed said that. But his views had rapidly changed after he witnessed Kageyama attempting to flirt with Hinata, and had noticed the many eyes on his red haired boyfriend ever since. Suddenly, making the world aware he was taken made a great deal more sense.

But he couldn't tell Hinata that.
"Can't help it. You're too cute."

He'd been reluctant to give compliments at first. Then, he'd discovered two brilliant side effects of complimenting Hinata. The first was that any argument was instantly forgiven and forgotten, the second was the adorable way Hinata blushed, everytime.
As he was now.
Golden eyes gazed up at him, round with mixed pride and embarassment.
Tsukishima grinned and took the redhead's smaller hand in his own, pulling Hinata on to their destination.

The park was an excellent one, with large willow trees casting dappled shade perfect for lying under, and grass just the right length to be comfortable to lie on.
After an hour of lazy conversation, Hinata raised his head from Tsukishima's shoulder.
"Fancy an ice cream Kei?"
Tsukishima snorted derisively, "obviously."
"One vanilla coming right up then."

Tsukishima missed his boyfriend the moment he left, but said nothing. He didn't want to seem too possessive, but sometimes he just...
He watched as a group of teens similar in age to them settled nearby on their own blanket. There were five in total, a couple who seemed too caught up in themselves to notice if an alien ship landed next to them. And three clearly envious companions.
Three envious companions who looked up and way too admiringly when Hinata strode past them with his ice creams.

Possessive instincts fully roused.

Oblivious as ever - a fact both reassuring and stressful simultaneously, the redhead returned to him, and Tsukishima watched as arsehole 1 leaned over to whisper something to arseholes 2 and 3 who smiled.
He barely noticed the vanilla ice cream pressed into his hand, only brought back from his attempts to kill the teens with his eyes, when Hinata nudged his shoulder.
"What is it Kei, alright?"
Tsukishima smiled reassuringly, "fine, just getting a little hot."
"Oh." Said Hinata doubtfully.
The redhead settled down, but didn't return his head to Tsukishima's shoulder. Dragging his gaze away from the arseholes again, he turned to look at Hinata.

"What is it?"
"Nothing!" Was the laughably unconvincing response.
Hinata sighed, "you... you aren't bored with me are you?"
"Sorry!" The redhead flinched away a little and Kei wilted.
"No... explain, Shouyou please?" He sighed.
The redhead looked at the grass, ice cream forgotten.
"Whenever we're in public you always get so tense... and you always seem lost in thought looking at other guys... like now... I just... if you don't like me like that anymore-"
Which was all he managed before Tsukishima interrupted him, "I'm concerned that I'm dating an idiot. Hinata... I'm tense and watching other guys because I hate the way they look at you."

He sighed, time to admit it. "I... don't want to seem too possessive and scary you off okay!"
"Then... those guys..?" Hinata tilted his head slightly at the distant group.
Tsukishima gritted his teeth, "the way they just looked at you... you've no idea how it bothers me, what I want to do!"
Hinata flushed, glancing away shyly, "then... what do you want to- oh no!"
Tsukishima followed the redhead's gaze and saw his ice cream had melted a little and some escaped onto the hand and was making its way down Hinata's arm.
He grinned, and took hold of Hinata's wrist, bring it to him, and licking the ice cream off gracefully, and seductively slowly.
Glancing surreptitiously at the group of arseholes, he enjoyed the disappointment on their faces, before he pulled away to see the main result of his handwork.

Hinata's cheeks burned and it wasn't from the sun.
"That's what I want to do. And this."
He leaned in, kissing Hinata deeply, letting the redhead taste the ice cream still lingering on his tongue. When he finally pulled away, the redhead was a fabulous panting mess.
When he recovered his breath though, Hinata smiled wide. "I think I rather like my possessive boyfriend..." he said.
From the way Hinata said it, he clearly had no idea a) how much the statement meant to said boyfriend, or b) quite what he was in for in the future. But Tsukishima didn't give a flying fuck. This guy was his.

"Good. Because you are mine."
Hinata leaned in, as if to kiss him, and then moved past, to Tsukishima's own forgotten and dribbling ice cream. Once he'd 'cleaned up', he returned his attention to his boyfriend.
"And you, are mine."
And then, he got his kiss.


He didn't glance at the group of teens again that afternoon, and when they left, it wasn't Hinata's hand he held, but his waist.

——— ALTERNATIVE ENDING (Fandom and author intrude)———

"And you, are mine."
And then, he got his kiss.

"Nope, Nope. Gomen Tsukki, this cinnamon roll's ours."
Tsukishima stared at the gathering of teens in complete confusion as they pulled Hinata away.
"How do you know me, and where are you taking my Shouyou!?!?"
One of the group had Hinata around the waist and was cuddling him, two others joining in.

A girl with turquoise hair smirked slightly.
"Darling, we know about you, you hot dinosaur loving king of salt. Unfortunately, those guys absolutely adore the sweet cinnamon roll, and I highly doubt you'll ever get him back, so unless you want that cute one to use the tranquillisers we've brought, you'll cut your losses and come with me?"
Tsukishima stared from the grinning girl to the mass steadily crowding Hinata who was giggling and laughing under the overwhelming affection and love. He'd be fine.

The blond shrugged. "Have you a better incentive than not being drugged?"
She grinned, "I have strawberry cheesecake, and all the Jurassic parks recorded, and unlike that ginger bean, I'll happily complain with you over the scientific inaccuracies all day. I even know all the dinosaurs Latin names and their correct geological time periods." (True)
The teen's eyes widened and he took the offered hand. "Consider me convinced."

"Oh, and I find you being possessive really hot," she added casually, "so when Hinata is eventually returned to you, bring him to cuddle and I'll watch cuz it is super wholesome."
Tsukishima looked a mix of confused and relieved, "I thought what we were just about to do was a date?"
She snorted, "I'm aroace. I just think you are a fabulous human, and you and Hinata are adorable together."

The girl glanced over her shoulder to where the mass of teens were tying Hinata's hair into adorable mini twin tails and feeding him chocolate.
Tsukishima followed her gaze, "he'll be fine right?"
She nodded, "sure..." hastily taking his arm and walking him away before he noticed the maid outfit one of them was clutching excitedly, or the group dragging Kageyama across the park.

"So, Jurassic Park?"

Credit for this alternative ending goes to:

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