Kagehina - Fluff - Hero #3

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As requested by the wonderful -SaddChild in the interest of balance.
And by chance the fantastic bookworm-luna too suggested this.
For Kagehina is lovely.

Kageyama leaned back against the wall of the library, he liked sitting behind it at lunch. The area was peaceful and hardly anyone went in the building let alone around the back of it.
There wasn't anyone he'd like to eat with anyway - well that was a lie, but he could never find Hinata during lunch times, so he assumed the dumbass was enrolled in another club or some shit.
So here he was, eating his mum's packed lunch on his own, like a badass.

The voices caught him off guard, and he put his lunch away immediately to stand up and look a little more intimidating if the group came this way.
"Come on fag! It's time for your daily lesson!"
"Look at the sissy! All trembly!"
"Maybe we should check he really does have a dick under there!"

Kageyama froze, then scowled. He was about to move in the opposite direction and get the teacher like a sensible person, when he heard a voice he recognised, which completely uprooted that logic and sent him racing toward the commotion.
"P-please... senpais... p-please don't..."
He almost didn't recognise Hinata's voice, it was so shaken and frightened, but his gut twisted, it was him.

Kageyama was around the corner before he even realised he was moving.
It was Hinata alright, crouched in a defensive fetal position as four older teens surrounded him, leering and cackling. It was demonic.
When one of them reached for Hinata's trousers, and Kageyama saw red, in one minute flat, the four were faces to the concrete, and his spiker staring at him in complete surprise.

He pulled the redhead to his feet with one hand and dragged him away from the scene of the crime almost as quickly as he arrived at it.
He spun and hugged the guy.
"You dumbass... why didn't you tell me you were being bullied? Tell the team? Where you scared of coming out?"
Hinata looked at him. "Bakayama, you do know Daichi and Suga are dating? And Asahi and Nishinoya?"
The surprise must have shown on his face as Hinata laughed. Kageyama wasn't sure, but the laugh didn't seem like one of Shouyou's normal ones, it sounded almost sad.

He shook his head to clear it. "There why didn't you say anything?"
Hinata's brows furrowed in determination and he pushed away. "I'm not weak."
His voice was clear, but the words surprised him enough that Kageyama still hissed "What?"
The redhead grimaced. "The volleyball team... I rely on them so much... Nishinoya's receives, Suga's support, Tsukishima's blocks... they're all so... so useful. But without your tosses I'm... I'm worthless to the team. I can't do anything without your help Bakayama..." he raised his eyes to meet Kageyama's and the setter realised he was starting to cry. "How could I tell you that I'm just as pathetic and useless off the court as on it?"

Kageyama wasn't much of a word person. Hinata wasn't normally either.
He scrambled to find the right thing to say, but it eluded him. So he went with what he'd always wanted to do instead.
The kiss wasn't the tidiest but it was their first, and if Hinata didn't immediately slap him in the face, he hoped they could improve with practise, maybe.

He pulled away and looked Hinata in the eyes, "you aren't weak and everyone knows it. Especially me."
He expected to be pushed away, or for Hinata to get flustered and angry... but when he actually looked at Hinata, the guy was redder than his hair, and it was the cutest fucking thing.
... then he actually realised what he just did.

He pulled away and bowed. "I'M SO SORRY!!!"
Hinata nearly fell over, "Bakayama! You're apologising?!?!?!"
"I kissed you without consent just after you were being harassed!" Yelled the setter, still bowing almost horizontally.
"But I liked it!" Exclaimed Hinata.
"I'M SORR- what?" Kageyama straightened and attempted to process what a Hinata just said.
"What?" Echoed Hinata, confused...then his own realisation dawned he bolted.

"Hey! Wait!"
Kageyama ran after him, but Hinata was pretty fucking fast. They actually left the school and reached the park before Hinata eventually slowed enough for Kageyama to dive on him.

"You heard nothing!" Squealed the redhead, wiggling with all his strength to escape.
Kageyama grimaced as the smaller teen managed to nearly knee his privates, but he held on. "I heard that you liked it too!"
They struggled for a while until Kageyama's words sunk in and Hinata stopped battling to escape.

They paused for a bit, staring at each other. Western cowboy style stand off, except with Kageyama practically mounting Hinata.
The redhead eventually sighed. "I'm confused."
"Me too." Said Kageyama with some relief.
Then they realised the positions they were in, and hastily scrambled away from each other, blushing.

The setter furrowed his brows and stared determinately at the floor. "I guess I want to kiss you again. And I kinda want to keep doing that. I think that means I like you?"
"Um..." Hinata was doing a brilliant impression of a deer in headlights.
Seeing as the guy was actually speechless for once, Kageyama hesitantly spoke again. "Will... will you let me kiss you again?"
There was a pause, in which Kageyama's heart nearly flatlined. Then Hinata nodded.

During the part make out, part awkward confession that followed, they migrated off the grass and onto a bench.
Kageyama hugged Hinata to him. "You're reporting them. How long has this been going on?"
The redhead tilted his head up to look at him, embarrassed. "Three months... they overheard me telling a friend I had a... a crush on you."
"I'm sorry... I wanted to eat lunch with you but when I couldn't find you I just assumed you did a club at lunch."
"Me, do anything else besides Volleyball?" Said the redhead with a chuckle. "And it was all worth it for making this happen anyway."
"Will you have lunch with me from now on?"
Hinata smiled at him, "I'd love to!"

Kageyama's heart leapt. Then he froze. "Hinata what's the time?"
The redhead shot upright, losing his balance and falling off the bench, but not before his head wacked into Kageyama's chin.
"We missed the past period and we're gonna be late for practise!" He yelled staring at his phone.
Kageyama rubbed his chin, but the threat of missing even a moment of practise, and the joy of kissing Hinata prevented thoughts of revenge.
"Come on!" He yelled and they raced back to school and the gym.

The sprint was so familiar to their morning one, Suga, who saw them arrive would have thought nothing had changed between the pair. If it wasn't for the way they held hands as they ran. Or how Kageyama gave Hinata a shy kiss on the lips before they pulled apart to enter the club room.

"Young love." He sighed happily.

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