Ushihina - Fluff - Truth

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Requested by the magnificent @pastelstars-

Not one of my best I think, but hope you like it anyway!
I am once again bereft of requests, so to all you bored people trapped at home like me, please do request, more details the better!

Hinata gazed nervously around the circle of people.
There was a glint in Kuroo and Bokutos' eyes he didn't like, and a resignation in their minders - Kenma and Akaashis' - eyes that was even worse.

"So Hinata, Truth... or Dare?"

He'd been in this situation all night. It was Bokuto's 22nd Birthday Party and very much a mistake for a Kenma to have dragged him along.
Kuroo and Bokuto asked him casually weeks ago, who his crush was, and instead of saying something like, 'there's this cute guy I sit next to in English', he just had to panic, and say no.

Now here he was, knowing what the truth question would be, so the duo could force him into dares every time... heck, before he could have even said. If he'd been shy and frank about it, they probably would hardly tease him at all. They had some degree of tact.
But now, he was in the room too, Hinata would never, no way in hell, let Ushijima Wakatoshi get even the faintest inkling, that Hinata would walk over hot coals, cross dress or even be seen in library for him.

"...Dare." He sighed weakly, ignoring the incredulous stares of half the room. This was the seventh time.
The fuckers had given him hell all night.
The rest of the room couldn't help but wonder what on earth he was trying to hide.

"Seven's a lucky number, right Kōtarō?" Said Kuroo grinning as he emptied his fourth beer.
Thankfully Hinata had got Kenma to tell the group he was their designated driver, thus sparing him alcoholic punishments at least.
Bokuto nodded. "Shortie... we gave you six warnings, but since you won't cave, you leave us no choice."
The ace brought out a bag and offered it to the trembling redhead.
"Guys..." he groaned, "why can't you drop it?"
Kuroo snorted, "Tell us who you like and we'll let you off?"
Hinata winced, as understanding hit the room.

"The midget has a crush?"
"Fallen for me finally, ay chibi-chan?"
"Dumbass? You like someone???"

He snatched the bag from Bokuto, hating how little Ushijima reacted to the news.
"They won't ever fucking like me back so I'll take every one of your goddamn dares."
And with a bitter expression, he left the room.

Ushijima sighed and watched with the rest.
Sugawara looked worried, "I've never seen him make that face."
"First time I've heard the dumbass swear." Said Kageyama.
Tsukishima snorted, "he's probably right though."
Yamaguchi elbowed him.

"He's over thinking, the guy likes him back." Muttered Kenma, drawing the attention of the entire group. Ushijima's heart felt heavy at the words.
"Oya Oya?" Exclaimed Tendou and Bokuto at the same time, then laughed.
Those cat-like eyes gave them one look, and then returned their attention to the red DS,
"He won't tell." Sighed Kuroo grumpily. "I've tried a lot of things, but he just won't spill.

Then there was a knock on the door. "I'm done..."
Hinata entered shyly, blushing red to the roots of his hair.
Dressed in a girl's cheerleading outfit, he made half the room flush at the view.
"You guys are evil!" He exclaimed, pouting cutely.

Ah crap. Ushijima took a slow breath.
Hinata was stunning. He had the most curvy figure of anyone in the room, and his fine features delicate features had not been lost over the years, since they first played each other in high school.

Unfortunately Tendou spied him ogling the redhead, and leant over to whisper something to Bokuto. The ace's eyes widened, and he repeated the gesture, informing Kuroo.
He hoped they'd leave him alone. Every time he attempted to speak to the red headed angel, Hinata seemed scared out of his wits. Whoever was lucky enough to win the number tens wasn't him.

Regardless, when Hinata's turn came again, the terrible trio had to make it worse.
"Hinata, we dare you to sit on Ushijima's lap for the whole night."
The sheer unadulterated fear in Hinata's eyes made Ushijima's heart hurt. Then, the guy blushed.
"I hate you." Hinata mouthed at the trio before hesitantly making his way over. The spiker's golden eyes avoided his face desperately.
Cute as ever, and embarrassed? Or flustered?

Ushijima stole himself.
Hinata sat on his lap, looking this cute wouldn't be easy to handle.
Though, if the redhead was this nervous...perhaps he really did feel the same?
When the guy shyly settled on his crossed legs and cautiously leant back against his chest... it felt so right, so perfect, Ushijima briefly forgot how to breathe.
Nervously he brought his arms around Hinata, pulling the tense spiker closer.

"You look cute like that." He muttered softly.
Hinata froze rigid in his arms. "I- I do?" He stammered quietly.
The group around them were fully occupied with Nishinoya and Asahi's make out session so the way the smaller male blushed was Ushijima's alone.
He liked it that way.

"You do. But you... you always look cute to me."
Ushijima waited for the reply, his heart racing with adrenaline.
" me?"
His voice was so soft, yet even over the shouts of rowdy volleyball payers, Ushijima heard it clearly. "I do. Have for a long time." he replied seriously. "Do you like me, Hinata Shouyou?"
"Y-yes..." came the happy reply, and Hinata relaxed in his arms with the admission.
"Then, Shouyou, I think it's time we left this party. I'm only here because Tendou said you were coming."
He smiled slightly as pink returned to Hinata's cheeks. "Okay."

He felt sad at the loss of warmth, as Shouyou got up, but the promise of the night to come was enough. He followed suit.
"Kuroo." He said calmly, "Me and Hinata will be leaving now."
Kenma looked up and met Hinata's gaze. "See? I told you Shou."
Hinata just chuckled happily as Ushijima put a hand around his waist and pulled him out the room. Both ignoring the smug I told you so faces of many of their friends, and Kageyama's dumb shock.

Hinata looked up shyly at his companion.
"Should I change?"
Ushijima gazing him one of his usual serious looks, often so at odds with his words.
"Have... have you drank?"
Ushijima shook his head. "I don't drink. Have you?"
Hinata smiled slightly, "No, I'm supposed to be Kenma's designated driver... we share a flat. But he'll probably be kidnapped by Kuroo... so would you like to come back to mine?"
He glanced away bashfully, but Ushijima raised a hand to catch his chin, and turn Hinata so golden brown eyes met olive.
"I'd love to." He murmured softly, and pressed his lips to Hinata's.

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