Oikurohina - Fluff - Heroes #2

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As requested by the fabulous DahFloofistSmol

Kuroo strode over to greet the smiling redhead as the crows arrived at the camp. His smile faded a little as he approached.
Hinata looked thin. He was naturally slim and curvy in away Kuroo thoroughly appreciated, but this was too slim, and the curves too angular.

"Kuroo!" Hinata smiled, and Kuroo's sharp eyes rose to his face, only to find shadows under those beautiful eyes, and a yellowing to his cheek which couldn't be anything other than the echo of a bruise.
He frowned. "Hinata, are you well?"
Hinata hesitated. Hinata Shouyou had never, in Kuroo's experience, hesitated over anything.
"I'm fine!"

"Hinata, come with me now."
Kuroo's gaze shifted to find Kageyama, gripping Hinata's shoulder. Tight.
He knew immediately something was wrong.

"Oya Oya, Tobio-chan, that's no way to treat such a cutie, now is it?"
Glancing over his shoulder, Kuroo found Oikawa gliding towards them, playboy smile set in place. It didn't reach his eyes.
Oikawa looked at him once and nodded minutely. He saw too.

"He, is lucky enough to be my boyfriend, and I can treat him however I damn well please." Were the words growled at them.
Kuroo waited for the shout, or the adorable pout, but Hinata's eyes lowered in obedience and he turned away. He met Oikawa's gaze once again. This was bad.
"That's not how relationships work, Tobio." Said the playboy. His voice had shifted from cheery to threateningly soft.

Kageyama turned back to look at the duo, his eyes filled with anger.
The cat shifted his gaze to observe Hinata. The redhead was shaking slightly and his eyes screamed at them to stop every time Kageyama glanced away from him. When the setter had his attention set on his boyfriend, the guy kept his head lowered.
What the hell had happened in the last six months?
Hinata had a spirit that couldn't be crushed. Lord knows he'd overcome enough obstacles to prove that. And yet, the teen before him was broken. Well and truly.

Kuroo lifted his hand, and Hinata flinched.
Okay. That's enough.
He hesitated, then moved his hand to grip Kageyama's, pulling it firmly off of Hinata's undoubtedly bruising shoulder.
Oikawa moved with him, like it was planned. Gently pulling the redhead away whilst Kuroo moved between them. He caught the fellow captain rubbing circles gently on Hinata's back.

"What the hell?" Snarled Kageyama.
Kuroo smiled, but it was cold. "Oikawa and I will be taking Hinata with us for a little while, that a problem?"
He knew most of the room was watching now. Seemed Kageyama noticed too, as he backed down with a glare that would have made Kuroo shiver, had it not come from a teen a half a foot shorter than him.

He turned away to meet the confused gaze of the redhead in Oikawa's arms.
"Fancy a bite to eat?" He asked softly.
The spiker seemed too confused and distressed to really understand, but he nodded hesitantly. Kuroo wondered how Kageyama had beaten Hinata's love of food out of him. That question would have been enough to have old Hinata bouncing off of the walls.

He nodded to Kenma and led Hinata, who was unconsciously clutching Oikawa's shirt, out of the gym.


The two captains watched with ever increasing concern as Hinata did not touch the steak they placed in front of him.
"Hinata. You're underweight and we're paying. Eat."
"I- I can't..." he whispered so softly, they almost didn't hear it.
"Why?" Prompted Kuroo softly.
"I'm ugly... and I'm fat. I can't change the first...b-but at least I can change the second, right?"

"Hinata..." Kuroo grasped for words to explain just how wrong the redhead was, but Oikawa had no such difficulty.
"Chibi-chan, I think you are beautiful. Stunningly so. Who the hell told you otherwise?"
"K-kageyama..." Hinata still wouldn't meet their eyes, "he says I'm fat and if I don't lose more weight... he'll dump me."
With an almost panicked glance at Kuroo, Oikawa continued. "Then why exactly aren't you gaining as much weight as possible?"
Hinata looked up, and their guts twisted as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I-if we break up he won't toss to me... and without his tosses I'm worthless and Karasuno... they'll get rid of me... and- and I'll be all alone!"

Kuroo beat Oikawa to it this time, diving around the other side of the table and taking the trembling redhead in his arms.
"They'd never do that to you, Hinata. You're incredibly talented, and you don't need his tosses to be a brilliant spiker."
"Chibi-chan," Oikawa moved the other side, "You aren't ugly. You aren't fat. You aren't worthless." He brushed the hair from Hinata's eyes and gazed into them. Kuroo had never seen him so earnest.
"Now, did he give you that bruise?"
Hinata pulled back from Oikawa immediately. "N-no!"
At least, no matter how much else he changed, the guy was still a terrible liar.
"That bastard." Spat Oikawa, "Kuroo!"
Kuroo nodded and Oikawa left, bringing out his phone.

Hinata moved to stop him, but Kuroo pulled him back into his chest.
"You're in an unhealthy and abusive relationship." He stated, gently stroking fingers through the spiker's hair.
"No, I'm-"
"He orders you around, he degrades you, he physically hurts you. Am I wrong?"
"I... I deserve it." Was the whispered reply.

"Shouyou, you deserve no such thing!" Kuroo cursed himself for shouting as Hinata flinched at the sound, but he couldn't stand the look in Hinata's eyes. The guy he'd loved for months, eyes.
"Look at me." He said, gently as he could.
Hinata didn't move.
"I said, Look at me."
Hinata hesitantly raised his head, and that was all Kuroo needed. He pushed forward and pressed his lips to Hinata's soft ones. He made it sweet, tender, chaste. Trying to get through to Hinata with actions, what he couldn't with words.

When he pulled away Hinata was truly a sight to behold. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes still shining from crying, he was also panting slightly - it had been a long kiss.
"You're beautiful." He murmured, making an effort not to smirk - not the time or place.
"I've... I've never been kissed like that before..." came the stunned reply.
"Well," he said softly and earnestly, caressing the redhead's cheek, "it's how someone like you deserves to be kissed."

Hinata was flushed pink, when Oikawa returned to their table, he gave Kuroo a subtle nod before speaking. Daichi hadn't known it was physical, he'd discussed their relationship being unhealthy but Hinata hadn't wanted to talk about it.

"What did I miss?" He asked, eyeing the pair. Kuroo was practically glowing and Hinata blushing, his hand ghosting over his lips. It didn't take a genius, and he was one.
Judging Hinata recovered, Kuroo took a risk and smirked. "Not much, just non-verbally reminding Shouyou how beautiful he actually is."
Oikawa raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like fun."
Hinata stared at him in shock, and the playboy grinned, then his eyes flickered downward. "But first, you're eating that steak, Shouyou."

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