Oikurohina - Fluff - Flirt

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Also has slight smut.
Requested by the brilliant DahFloofistSmol

They knew Hinata would be late.
Oikawa gazed out over the sea of drunk dancing adults whilst Kuroo bought them drinks. Gaze sliding to the entrance he froze. Then slapped Kuroo on the shoulder.
"Angel, 3:00." He managed.
It was hardly surprising he was speechless with the way Shouyou looked; from heels, fishnets and booty shorts, to the wide necked jumper, tinted glasses and eyeliner. He looked, to Oikawa, edible.
Tonight was going to be amazing,

He didn't spare Kuroo, also ogling the redhead, a glance as he pushed off the bar and strode forward. Just as he was about to speak to his perfect ten of a boyfriend, another man reached him first.
The brunette drank Hinata in for a brief moment before speaking.
"Hey gorgeous, fancy a dance?"
Hinata's golden eyes slid from the man to Oikawa who'd just reached them, and he raised one perfect eyebrow.

Have you a better offer, Tōru?

Oikawa... wasn't quite recovered from Hinata's appearance, so he'll admit that 'I'll by you a drink and not grope you like he will' wasn't the greatest of his romantic pick up lines.
Fortunately or otherwise, before he had the chance, Kuroo appeared, grabbed the redhead and half carried him to the dance floor.

The brunette, confused, was moving to follow, when Oikawa rested a hand on his shoulder.
"Mate, I get it, but they're dating."
The guy sighed. "How did that bastard get so lucky."
Oikawa laughed to himself, wishing he could record this to prove to the redhead, that they were the ones who'd scored, not the other way around.
"It's a mystery to me too. My best guess is he's a sweet talker."
And he wasn't really lying. The volleyball group had had a reunion after college, and there had been all of them, looking like less spotty but older versions of their teenage selves, and there was Hinata Shouyou looking so damn beautiful, Ushijima blushed.

To this day, he was absolutely clueless how at the end of that night, a fiercer competition than any of their tournaments, he and Kuroo had been the last left standing (literally in some cases). So, when Hinata had gone adorably pink and asked if they'd both like to go home with him, open minded as they were, they'd said yes. And holy shit it had been amazing.

Brought back the present, he watched as Kuroo led Hinata over on his arm. By the slight blush on Hinata's cheeks, Oikawa guessed the cat had already made a start.
"Hey beautiful, is it hot in here, or is it just you?" He asked, when they were close enough.
He and Kuroo both knew Hinata enjoyed their flirtiness and cheesy chat up lines, just as they did, so he waited for Hinata's beautiful laugh.
It never came. Instead:
"Actually it's just you, sexy."
Hinata smirked at him, giving him that slow once over with his golden eyes that always made the setter shiver.

Oh? Oh...

Oikawa raised his gaze to Kuroo. Hinata couldn't see him, so the guy was grinning like a maniac. It was gonna be one of those brilliant nights. The pair adored cute Hinata, they really did. But this sexy, sassy, flirty Hinata... this was new... and he really liked it.
"What's go on, Shou?" He asked, wondering what had happened to make Hinata like this.
The redhead smirked, and stretched, revealing his pale abs to the duo and a hint of... lace?!?!?
"Nothing's go on... yet."


It took the pair a few beats to recover before Kuroo leaned over Hinata's shoulder and returned to the script. "Gorgeous, is this guy bothering you?"
Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Unfortunately not."
The cat grinned, "good, can I bother you instead?"
This time Hinata matched his grin. "Oh, I'd much rather you guys bother each other and I watch."

Damn. He really is getting good at this. And... I'm horny now.

Oikawa could see Kuroo in a similar state. Shame they'd barely lasted half an hour in the club... but then again that wasn't unusual when Hinata was like this.
Returning his attention to the formidable ginger, he spoke again, deliberately making his voice lower in the way he knew Hinata adored.
"Then, shall we bounce, cutie?"
Hinata downed his drink in one, looked to Kuroo and then slowly meet those fiery brown eyes.
He pulled Oikawa down by his shirt, so they were nose to nose.
"I'll bounce on you all night."

Ooooh shit.

That was about all they could take, half dragging, half carrying the redhead out the club and into a taxi, then, with substantially more smudged make up, out of the taxi and into their flat.

Hinata laughed as Kuroo carried him through the doorway.
"That was the hottest thing you've ever done, Kitten, where the hell did you get that from?!?!" Kuroo almost groaned and he kicked off his shoes.
The redhead giggled, "I roomed with Terushima in college. I met up with him again last week and he gave me a few refresher lessons."
Oikawa swore, "so now we owe that close cropped fake blond bastard!"
Hinata snorted as Kuroo carried him up the stairs, he rested his elbows on the cat's back and asked Oikawa. "By how riled up you two are... I think I'm the one who'll owe him."
"Damn right!" Grunted Kuroo, hurling him onto the bed.

Slight smut warning (practically nothing)

The duo watched him from the end of the bed.
"So Shou, you wanted us to bother each other, yes?"
Hinata smiled, "if you don't get too distracted."
Then he stripped, slowly.
The lingerie was black, with electric blue embroidery that contrasted wonderfully with his true ginger hair.
The redhead knew he didn't even have to try, just stretch a little, moaning slightly as fabric rubbed against his nipples.
Oikawa held back a groan, and Kuroo practically growled. They were on the smaller man in seconds, and remained so for hours.


Kuroo lay unconscious over half the king sized bed. In the other half, Oikawa cuddled Hinata close to him, snoring softly.
Hinata sighed, exhausted but happy. "I think I'm gonna flirt back more often..." he murmured, his eyes fluttering a little then finally closing, a smile remaining on his face as he drifted off.

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