Teruhina - Smut - Vampire AU

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Requested by the marvellous PikaFede2424

Explicit(ish) sexual language. This is my first proper smut, ladies and gentlemen. I hope it isn't terrible, I was a little cautious so it isn't exactly detailed.

"Shouyou, why don't I bring you home?"
The small redhead shivered as the breath ghosted his neck. His pulse raced, every player could hear it... and smell it. It had such a sweet scent.
Hinata tried to pull away, but Kuroo matched his movements easily, grinning. "You're so... small... so fragile, let me take you apart..." he whispered, face close.
Still backing away, Hinata hit a hard chest. Looking up, he hoped to see one of his fellow humans...or Aone... but it was Akaashi, pale and angular, his sharp eyes piercing through him, and making his legs weak.

Fingers traced the veins of his neck, another moved toward his thigh, the vampires using everything they had to seduce the cute human in their grasp.
But, as it had always been, Hinata eluded their control.
He dropped down, slipping out to the side and into space at last. "Please don't harass me like that." He said quietly, "if... if my scent is that distracting, I'll quit as manager."
And so practise continued, with that one phrase, Hinata could snap them back to reality, and return the gym to order. But it had been closer than usual today.

He locked up as dawn light crept over the buildings, gilding him in gold, and bringing his features to life, and gave a heavy sigh.
"Kitten, why must you tease me so?"
Terushima smirked at the shiver his voice could induce. Kuroo and Akaashi used all their weapons and failed, yet just his voice was enough.

Those cute brown eyes moved to meet his.
"They caught me off guard..."
"You're in Co-Education with vampires, surely you're used to that?"
The redhead flushed slightly as he finished locking up and pocketed the keys. "I... I was thinking about you."
Terushima raised his eyebrows, leaning in closer and enjoying how his scent affected Hinata.

"I..." he gulped, hesitant.
Terushima raised his hand, stroking a slender finger up Hinata's throat and raising his chin, forcing their eyes to meet.
"Tell me, kitten."
"I think I'm ready." Was the whispered reply.

Hinata's pulse was racing and his skin flushed with nerves at the admission, all of it filling the air with his sweet scent. The smell and his words working together to break down Terushima's self control. He wanted the small teen so badly... and he'd just been given permission.

He had brought Hinata to his room before he'd even realised, and Hinata lay beneath him, eye widened, but with that determination, that will to fight, that had made the prize so much worth having.

Hinata was one of few 'unsullied' humans at the school, and by far the most beautiful, but he had spurned prince Oikawa's attentions, disregarded the lustful gazes of Ushijima or the gentle touches of Kenma.
It wasn't Yamaguchi's shy charm, or Tendou's mind games, that had won him. He did not submit to Iwaizumi's strength, or Akaashi's clever fingers.
It was he, Terushima, who Hinata had allowed to lay him bare, as he was now.

Terushima drank him in, the soft unblemished skin, flushed with vitality and arousal, the beautiful auburn hair slicked to his forehead slightly with nerves, his hands reaching out cautiously, to touch the chest of the vampire above.

The blond removed the last of his clothes and committed the view of hinata to memory. No matter what he thought of the others... they were right about one thing. This boy had to be immortalised, letting time tarnish him would be a grievous crime.

He lowered his head, and kissed those rose red lips, reassuring, careful, and he spoke one last time before he let go completely.
"Are you sure you want this?"
Hinata rose to catch his lips again. "I've never been so sure." He whispered. "Yūji, I'm yours."

Terushima grinned, and went first for Hinata's jaw, nibbling at his ear and kissing down his ever so tempting jugular.
He took his time, enjoying Hinata's soft gasps and whimpers.
Human beings were so sensitive, he hoped Hinata would keep that trait.

His lips found one nipple, his hand the other, and the redhead's back arched at the sensation as sharp canines grazed a bud.
"You're so beautiful, kitten."
"Just for you..." Hinata managed between moans.
When the cool metal of his tongue piercing touched Hinata's skin, the smaller man gasped. Over the centuries Terushima had had many lovers, and he was very skilled. But none of his lovers had been beautiful enough inside and out for him to do this, to go this far so as not to lose them.

He traced the faint outlines of the redhead's abs with his tongue before going down even further and taking Hinata fully into his mouth.
The cry, the keen this elicited sent shivers of arousal through him, but he wanted to wait, wanted to enjoy this, make Hinata so overwhelmingly grateful that he'd never glance at Akaashi like that again, not even blink if Iwaizumi pushed him against a wall or if Oikawa tried to kiss his neck.

Terushima growled at the thought, the vibrations bringing his lover to his first orgasm and treating the blond to more of those wonderful noises.
He rose and looked at those flushed cheeks and teary eyes.
"Beautiful." He said simply, smiling at how the word made Hinata's pulse elevate.
"What about you?" Managed the redhead, after he'd recovered his breath.

It was tempting, very tempting, but Terushima shook his head. "I can wait, for now, I'm going to take the next step, so relax for me, okay kitten?"
Hinata nodded, still a little breathless.
He kissed him on the lips once before moving downward again.
Every part of Hinata was beautiful to Terushima, and his hole was no different, he lapped at it with his tongue, working it open to Hinata's gasps and mewls.

He worked a finger in patiently, then two, Hinata hissed a little at the third, but the blond could hardly be blamed for being impatient with the noises the redhead was making. He hoped the whole campus heard them.
Eventually he was satisfied, and carefully pulled his fingers away to meet that golden gaze. One last check.
He pushed in as gently as he could, though Hinata still hissed at the stretch, but eventually he was in fully. And it was wonderful.

Terushima was quite slender in build among his kind, but his physique was still enough to completely cover Hinata's small, pale frame. He did just that, and lifted the redhead upward gently so he was sat on Terushima, and they could look each other in the eyes. (Bit like the title pic)

He knew Hinata heard the stories, the manipulation, the bretrayal, vampires were known for both, it had taken two years of patience and trust building and even then he knew the leap of faith Hinata had taken for him. He looked deep into those eyes, as he slowly began to move.
This was love not sex. Shouyou needed to know that.

And as he reached the release he'd longed for, he bit down fast on the artery at Hinata's neck.
So he could make this angel his, forever.

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