Interesting Discovery

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Lex enjoyed when Ethan came to visit her during her breaks. Whether he just hung out in the store with her or stood in the alley while they shared a cigarette, she loved his company. Right now she was on her lunch break, and they sat in the empty food court, eating and chatting.

"I'm telling you, the world's in a weird place Lex. Everywhere you look, it's all shit," he spoke through a mouthful of food. A few pieces flew out as he talked. Lex scrunched her face and handed him a napkin, which he accepted with a muffled thank you.

"I know, I'm just ready to get the fuck out of here," she said, idly poking at her takeout.

"We will soon. Trust me," he said, intertwining their fingers. "Right now I'm just happy I get to be with you." Lex smiled at him, leaning in for a kiss.

"You're such a sappy dork." Their lips met in a short and sweet kiss. He looked at her with a warm smile and hummed, "Mmmm you taste like spicy chicken." She couldn't help but to burst into laughter and shoved at his chest.

"Oho my god, shut uhup!" she pinched his side to reprimand him, but did not expect the muffled shriek and jump that followed. Her mouth hung open in a wide smile as he scooted away. He had a hand clamped over his mouth and his eyes were wide in shock.



"Are you-"

"No!" he denied adamantly.

"Well, this is quite the discovery," she said with a wink. Ethan now sported a nervous grin, holding his hands out in front of him as though to protect himself. She snaked her arm around his back and started rapidly squeezing his sides.

"Shit! Lex nohohoho!" He grabbed her wrists, but did not push her away. Only laughed and writhed in her hold.

"Aw babe this is amazing! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she teased.

"'Cause Ihihi knew thihis would happehehen!"

"All the more reason to tell me!"

Ethan leaned back on the table they were sitting on, letting Lex have her fun. After finally granting him some mercy, she leaned down and planted another kiss to his lips.

"Y'know babe, you could've asked me to stop," she said with a sly smirk. A blush creeped up his cheeks as he struggled to come up with an excuse.

"I- well- shut up!" She only giggled and laced their fingers together.

After a beat of silence, she leaned in and whispered, "You totally liked it."

He threw his arms up in the air in defeat, "Oh my god!"

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