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woahhhh kay updating twice in one day??? thats RARE

hehe lil parx joke ;)


awsten was so curious.

he admired the boy a lot, so much so that he even stalked geoffs instagram page which he found through a tagged pic of him and jawn on his instagram.

he admired the boy a lot, so much so that he even stalked geoffs instagram page which he found through a tagged pic of him and jawn on his instagram

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24 likes, 4 comments.
underscoregeoff: i think about you a lot.
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awsten blushed, was this post about him? if it wasn't then why would jawn comment something like that? not to toot his own horn, but awsten definitely thought it was about him.

awsten wasn't a creep, but he liked the photo. even if it was from a week ago.

underscoregeoff: having fun stalking?

oh shit.
awstenknight: sorry...
underscoregeoff: no no no its okay!! don't be shy, im not gonna hurt ya

a wave of relief washed over awsten.

awstenknight: oh, you had me scared of a second 😅

underscoregeoff: its cool, so watcha up to?

awstenknight: um, math?

underscoregeoff: cool, wanna have my number so you can text me on there? idk if you can relate but my mom will kill me if we use up all our data lol

awstenknight: lol sure

underscoregeoff: okay, my number is ***-***-

awstenknight: gotcha

awsten sighed contently, sneakily copying and pasting geoffs number into his contacts.
he was so happy, first he met a cute boy, now he was texting him??? oh boy, awsten was in for it.

awsten: hey, its awsten

geoff:  hey cutie

awsten: stoppp you're making me blushh

geoff: i can't help it, you're too cute <3

awsten was blushing hard.
"mr.knight." his math teacher, mr.burke said.
"phone away please. you have a test coming up."

awsten began to panic. he felt an anxiety attack coming on, something all of his teachers were informed about and something all of his teachers understood. "m-may i go to the restroom?"

"if you must." mr.burke said, signing him a hall pass and awsten speedwalked to his desk to retreive it after grabbing his phone and bag then speeding out the door.

awsten: im having a panic attack...

geoffoh shit, are you okay??

awsten: no

geoff: where are you

awsten: east wing mens restroom

geoff:  stay there im omw

awsten sadly smiled to himself, he was panicking but if felt nice to know that someone he just met was already caring for him.
he waited there for a total of 4 minutes, soon to be 5 before he heard the bathroom door close.

"awsten?" geoff called out softly.

he heard sniffling and the sound of the door unlocking coming from the handicapped stall. he slowly swung open the door to reveal a crying awsten sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"oh no, awsten c'mere." geoff said. before he realized what he was doing awsten was making grabby hands at him, indicating that he needed to be held.

geoff knew what he needed, a hug. he knelt down on the floor to awstens level, grabbing some toilet paper off the roll and drying awstens eyes. he sniffled once more.

"hey hey, its okay, im here." geoff said, rubbing gentle circles on awstens back. "are you calm enough to tell me what happened?" he asked softly.

"m-my teacher m-mr.burke told me i-i have a test c-coming up and i had n-no idea.." he said, crying harder, leaning into geoffs shoulder as geoff wrapped his arms around him.

"its okay awsten, im here. no tests are gonna hurt you okay? i'll scare 'em away." geoff gave him a warm smile, awsten couldn't help but smile back.

"thank you, geoffy." awstens face dropped when he realized what he just said.

"crap- im sorry, i-"

"no its okay," geoff smiled. "i like it."



hug me a little tighter // gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now