The Trip

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I'm doing a major time skip, now it's the start of second year and Tokoyami and Tsu are good friends

Tokoyami's PoV

"Are you excited about the trip, Tokoyami-Kun?" Tsu's voice cuts through my thoughts as I finish packing for the trip that our class is taking. I look up and smile at her, nodding as I put the last thing in my suitcase.

"Yeah, I cannot wait!" I smile, zipping up my suitcase and picking it up along with my backpack. I put my backpack on and we both leave the dorms, going out in front of Heights Alliance to where the buses that will take us to our destination are.

"Alright, boys on one bus and girls on the other! No- Ashido the other bus! That's the boy's— oh whatever this isn't gonna work." I chuckle when I see Iida trying to make order, and both me and Tsu get on a bus. It just so happens that Midoryia and the rest of the 'Deku Squad' have taken this bus, and Uraraka beckons us over. Tsu goes and sits next to her, and I sit across from the girls next to Midoryia.

"Hey Tokoyami, Asui—"

"Ribbit. I told you to call me Tsu!"


I chuckle softly as Todoroki hides a smile from his spot on the other side of Midoryia. Soon, everyone gets on one bus or the other, and Iida comes over to us as the bus starts up and rolls out.

"Okay, everyone has what they need?" Iida says while making his famous hand-chopping motion. Everyone nods in response.

Time skip

"Alright, everyone has already picked a roommate? Okay, pick a room and get unpacked." Aizawa says, releasing us to go choose which hotel room we will stay in during the week long trip. Sadly, girls and boys have to room separately, so I can't share a room with Tsu. Instead, she is gonna share a room with Uraraka and I will be sharing with Shoji.

I grab my stuff and find Shoji, and we go and choose a room. It has only one bed, but there is a couch, a desk, and a dresser.

"I don't think I would be able to fit on the couch... Are you okay with sleeping there?" Shoji says, setting his bags down beside the dresser.

"Yeah, I'm a lot smaller than you so I'm fine with taking the couch. You can take the bed." I smile and set my bags on the couch. He nods, going to the bed and sitting down.

"What do we do now?" He asks, looking at me. I shrug, not sure.

Tsu's PoV

I set my stuff down on one of the two smallish beds in the room that me and Uraraka chose.

"What do you wanna do first, Tsu?" She asks, putting her bags on the other bed.

"Ribbit. I looked around as we came in, I think there's a pool. We could go swimming, I guess. Mr. Aizawa did give us the rest of the day to settle in." I smile, starting to unpack my stuff into the small dresser that is beside my bed.

Uraraka does the same with her stuff and her dresser, pulling out a frilly purple one-piece swimsuit and putting it on her bed. I grab my blue-green two piece swimsuit, putting it on my bed. We both finish unpacking and smile at each other, each of us grabbing our respective swimsuits.

"Do you wanna change in the bathroom? I could change out here, the curtains are closed." Uraraka says, sitting on her bed.

"Ribbit, okay. Then we go to the pool?" I smile as she nods. I go into the bathroom, closing the door and quickly changing into my swimsuit.

"Okay, I'm good, you can come out now Tsu." Uraraka says after a little bit. I come out, holding my school uniform. Hers is on her bed, and she is wearing her swimsuit.

"Let's go, I texted a bunch of our classmates that we were going to the pool, and most of them are coming!" She smiles, grabbing extra clothes and a towel. I do the same and we leave the hotel room, going to the pool. We set our stuff down at one of the tables as some of our classmates come in. Including Tokoyami.

Why do I feel so happy around him? It feels like my heart's gonna burst out of my chest whenever he touches me or looks at me! This is obviously a crush, but this is way more hardcore than I thought! God, I just wanna kiss him so bad!

Tokoyami's PoV

About half of class 2-A comes to the pool, even Bakugou came, surprisingly. Although him and Kirishima are sharing a room, and Kirishima does have a decent amount of influence on Bakugou. I wouldn't doubt if they were secretly dating.

Soon enough people get in the pool, and I watch Tsu swim around and have fun. I don't particularly like the water that much, because of my bird head and the fact that it takes hours for all my feathers to dry, so it's very annoying.

"Tokoyami-Kun! Come into the water, we're gonna play Marco Polo!" Midoryia calls and I sigh, resigning to getting in the water.

I enter the cold pool and we start playing Marco Polo, Uraraka being the person who is 'it'.

"Okay, uh, Marco!" She calls out, a blindfold over her eyes as she is in the middle of the pool.

"Polo!" Everyone but Uraraka calls out, swimming around and trying not to get tagged.

Everyone has a lot of fun, and we end up staying at the pool for a few hours. Eventually, I get out, my feathers dripping wet and cold. I shake my head to try to get some water out of my feathers, and suddenly a huge crash boom was heard from across the hotel.

991 words


Lmao sorry I'm just really surprised and happy! I can't believe that this story has so many reads! And votes! Thank you! And also thank you so much Hector_Roth for the new twist! It is gonna be one hell of an angsty story for a few chapters at least, so sorry if you don't like it!


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