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Tokoyami's PoV

I look away from the doorway as soon as I see my mother and father enter the room behind a doctor. Tsu squeezes my hand slightly, and I look at her as she smiles softly at me. I smile slightly back and continue to ignore my parents.


"Shut the hell up. You have no right to be here." I growl, cutting my mother off as she tries to speak.

"Mr. Tokoyami, I don't think that you should speak that way to your parents—" a doctor tries to diffuse the obvious tension in the air but I glare at him, making him stop talking. Tsu gently squeezes my hand again, trying to calm me down. Only now do I realize that my vital signs are going up, and I attempt to calm down while still ignoring my parents.

They both sigh softly, looking at each other before my mother starts trying to talk again.

"Fumikage— Don't you dare try to stop me. What the hell happened? Why have you been in the god damn hospital for two months?" My mother continues to talk even after I give her a death glare.

"There was a villain attack where him and the rest of my class was taking a training field trip. He attempted to use his quirk to protect himself and his classmates, but he apparently lost control and lost consciousness as well." Aizawa says from his spot at the foot of my hospital bed. I forgot he was there, crap.

"Why were we not notified about his being admitted to the hospital?" My father questions, his eyebrow raising.

"We tried contacting you, by phone, by mail, nothing seemed to get through to you." Aizawa responds.

"We never got any mail or phone call until today." My mother says, sounding skeptical. Aizawa shrugs as I roll my eyes, looking away from the people who call themselves my parents.

Soon the doctors usher everyone out, including Tsu. She protests being sent out but goes, looking back at me as she leaves.

"Okay, Mr. Tokoyami, we need to ask you a few questions, just to make sure you are alright." I nod at the doctor, and she smiles slightly before continuing. "Alright. Do you remember everything? You seemed to recognize your parents, your teacher, and the classmates of yours who were visiting."

"Yeah, I remember everything. I know who I am, I remember what happened." I say, the doctor writing down something on her clipboard.

"Okay, how do you feel? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous, disconnected from your surroundings?"

"I feel fine, just a little groggy and stiff."

She continues to ask me questions, and I answer them. Soon enough she sets her clipboard down, a smile on her face.

"Alright! You're good, you should be able to be discharged soon." She smiles. "Although I do need to ask you a few additional questions, you acted as though you and your parents don't get along."

"No, we don't. They hate me, and they've beaten me, broken bones, my dad even tried to abandon me and my brother."

"Oh wow.............S-so they're abusive towards you?"

"Yes. I think one of the reasons I was unconscious for so long is because as I was trying to control my quirk, someone kicked me I think, maybe something else hit me but I lost control and had a flashback of them beating me..." I say quietly.

"Okay. We'll talk to them about it, do you have any proof that they—"

"Take an x-ray of my right hand. They shattered the bones, passed it off as I had ran behind the car as my dad was backing out of the garage. I don't see how a slow-moving car could have broken my leg, my arm, shattered my hand, and fractured several ribs." I cut her off quickly. Her face goes surprised, and she nods, leaving the room.

A few hours later, they do a full-body x-ray on me, revealing the bones that had gotten broken often and not healed quite the same. The x-rays revealed a warp in my leg, a place in my arm where the bone had thinned, leaving the bone weaker and more prone to breaking, and finally an x-ray of my right hand revealed that almost all the bones were warped or hadn't healed quite right. And even my skull showed visible cracks and faults that aren't natural, and also a spot where my skull had thinned and was easily breakable.

All in all, very obvious signs of abuse, neglect, and repeated beatings and breaking of bones.

Not looking too good for my parents, huh?

780 words

Omg I finally got a friggin chapter out!! Yay me! Also I'm sorry that I said that this would go out last night but I god distracted and couldn't finish it in time!

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