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Darkness surrounds me, it encages my very soul

The blood that runs through my veins burns through every hole

My eyes are dark haunted by my past, there is but dismast

All but a glimmer of hope shone through those very eyes, the eyes of my mate that makes my demonic wolf howl to the dark skies

I will protect her, for she is the light in the darkness, the one destined to be mine.

** ** **

Five hundred years ago, many supernatural beings lived in peace. The type of peace where the species were civil with each other. The type that they acknowledge the rules and living foundations of each other. No one dared to think that this peaceful society would ever be disrupted, after all, who would want a war so dangerous to be inflicted. There was not a hierarchy of importance between supernatural species, not one species was more powerful than another. However, it did not appear that way to the Vampire species.

The vampires were angered and often claimed that they were at the bottom of the hierarchy. They deemed that they were mistreated, shunned out to the dark and cold places of the Earth. Left to feed on the blood of humans, hated by all and feared by all. They craved respect as much as they craved human blood. They desired nothing but to be the dominant species. Their sole aim was to regain power and dominate all. They soon waged war against the lycanthropes, angered by their reluctance to let the Vampires rule over.

The witches, dragons, and all other supernatural beings, except lycanthropes, refused to be involved in the war, as they were all independent of each other and claimed that they would not let innocent blood be spilt.

The war lasted for many months, both vampiric and lycanthrope blood was spilt. Both species coming close to dying out...Until the Demon Alpha intervened.

No one knew who he was or how he came about. There were rumours that he had renounced his faith of the Moon Goddess and bargained with a Demon from Hell to give him everlasting power and youth. He was known as the most powerful and dangerous Alpha to ever walk the Earth. His ways were infernal, his methods and beliefs were demonic. He hated vampires, their foul stench made his blood boil. They dark beady eyes made his skin crawl. The Demon Alpha was an executioner; he took lives just as he demanded respect and power. No lycanthrope ever challenged him, no Alpha ever went against him, out of fear that he would soon conquer their lands.

The Demon Alpha rid the earth of the Vampire Species, bringing them to extinction. Female vampires, male vampires and young vampires were all murdered in cold blood. The demon alpha didn't have to think twice about his actions. He couldn't have the vampires uprising again; he wouldn't allow them to seek vengeance of what he had done.

The Demon Alpha was pleased with himself but he was not satisfied. He could never be satisfied; after all, he wanted more.

He craved more.

He wanted power and respect.

The only way he could get that was to rule over all Lycanthropes, and thus another war began. The war for independence of Lycanthropes against the Demon Alpha. It would be false to say that the Demon Alpha was defeated, to some it would be accurate to say that he did not achieve what he wanted.

The Demon Alpha claimed the lives of many. Lycanthrope blood tainted the Earth, from North to South and East to West. The resisting Alphas soon surrendered knowing that they could never fully beat the Demon Alpha, for he was too powerful and killed mercilessly. The Alphas knew that it was no use and that the loss of innocent lives was not worth the effort to go against the Demon Alpha. They chose to accept his conditions and live under one Alpha with smaller packs. To these Alphas, the Demon Alpha was a type of Monarch. He created the Code of the Alphas; a declaration on how to survive and live accordingly. A Code that no Alpha could ever break as it was a blood oath, an oath that was sworn whenever a new leader would be crowned for a pack. Among these codes was that the Lycanthrope could never uprise or to ever rebel against the Demon Alpha.

After five hundred years had passed, the Demon Alpha lifted some restrictions over the remaining Lycanthrope packs. Allowing them some liberties, to join other packs and to live slightly more independently; however, he was still to remain in charge as a leader of leaders. Or else he would release further damage among the Lycanthropes.

Graphic on the side made by @eternitea40

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