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I never knew anybody 'til I knew you
I never knew anybody 'til I knew you
And I know when it rains, oh, it pours
And I know I was born to be yours

Kygo & Imagine Dragons


I woke up the next day to find Alaric still fast asleep beside me. He was laid flat on his stomach, his face turned to face me, his heavy arm was slung over my waist. Heat radiated from Alaric, warming me up. Just like any other wolf, Alaric's body heat was like an oven; no wonder he slept shirtless with only a pair of shorts on. Often during the night, I would get really hot to the point where I would try and move away from Alaric; the keyword being try.

Alaric looked so peaceful, and relaxed. Usually, he was always up before me getting ready to go to the Pack Office and do whatever it was that he did when he wasn't home. My eyes glanced at his bare tattooed back, and I remembered the words that we had exchanged yesterday. Alaric didn't feel comfortable expressing his past to me, and I just had to accept that. Even though he was interested in my past, didn't mean that he was comfortable with me knowing his.

I turned to look at the clock on the bedside table, my body jerking up in alarm. It was well past ten in the morning and Alaric had overslept!

"Alaric!" I said, shaking him slightly to wake him. "You need to get up!"

I didn't get a response and he didn't make a single move.

"Ric, wake up!" I said loudly, adding a bit more force to my voice.

He grunted out and groaned, still not moving.

"Go back to sleep love," he said groggily.

"You've overslept!" I protested.

"It's Sunday, Valerie," he said, popping one eye open. "I can have a day off, you know."

Instantly, I felt like a complete idiot. I had lost track of the days and I had also assumed that Alaric was a workaholic alpha.

"Sorry," I whispered feeling embarrassed, looking down at the bedsheets.

Alaric sat up, and I heard his bones click as he stretched.

"Don't apologise, it's been a while since someone awoke me up by aggressively shaking me," he said, which sounded more like he was thinking out loud.

I looked back up, my eyes meeting Alaric's tired brown ones. "I just thought you might have meetings, I didn't realise it's Sunday."

"I'll be damned if I had a meeting to go to on a Sunday!" He grunted out in disgust.

Alaric slipped out of bed, pulling on a black t-shirt, before entering the adjoining bathroom; closing the door behind him. Once he was done, I spent my time in the bathroom doing the necessary things. When I left the bathroom, Alaric was nowhere in sight. I made my way downstairs to find him in the kitchen.

Instead of cooking breakfast, Alaric had prepared two bowls of muesli. I pulled a face and made sure that he saw.

"No eggs today?" I asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

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